  • 期刊


Thematic Activities, Social Stories, and Videotape Feedback: Effects on Social Interaction Behaviors of Students with Moderate/Severe Mental Retardation




This study was designed to explore the effectiveness of an intervention package on the social skills of 3 students with moderate/severe mental retardation by applying the techniques of social stories, thematic activities, and videotape feedback. Two peers were selected and trained as social partners for each participating student. A multiple baseline design across behaviors was used to monitor each participating student's target behaviors. The Baseline phase and Maintenance phase did not provide any prompts or training to participating students; only data was collected. Each training session of the Training phase and Transfer phase consisted of 15 minutes of self-evaluation based on the preceding session using video feedback, 5 minutes of systematic instruction using social stories, 15 minutes of training and correcting, 10 minutes of recess, and 15 minutes of practice. Results of the visual analysis of statistical data showed an increase in all targeted positive social behaviors (i.e., initiative behaviors, appropriate responsive behaviors, turn-taking behaviors, and initiative requests) for all students during the Training phase. Three students showed different results during the Transfer phase and Maintenance phase; most of the positive targeted behaviors of Students A and B evidenced some degree of transfer and maintenance, but Student C didn't display the same level of impact. Additionally, an apparent decrease in inappropriate behaviors was noticed for all participating students at the end of the intervention. The evidence for the social validity of this intervention was provided by the teacher and the parents of the 3 participating students who rated the effect of training on the students.


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