  • 期刊


Corporate Governance Heterogeneity and Operating Efficiency: Evidence from Taiwan's Business Groups




This paper is intended to examine, with principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and common frontier production function, the association between operating efficiency and the heterogeneity in corporate governance among Taiwanese conglomerates. Major empirical findings are as follows. (1) The corporate governance mechanisms ordered by the cumulative probability under normal distribution shows significant differences. Overall, the equity structure is the best ehile organizational and human resource stability is the worst. (2) There is significant heterogeneity for the eight corporate governance constructs across the five subsamples but the heterogeneity appears absent within each subsample. (3) In general, the corporate governance mechanism improves technical inefficiency, which acts as a monitoring tool. (4) Production exhibits decreasing to constant returns to scale. Estimation of the output elasticity shows that the labor share of income (23%) is much lower than the capital share of income (77%), which indirectly substantiates the inequality of functional income in Taiwan. (5) Taiwanese conglomerates have raised internal efficiency in order to mitigate the impact of the 2008 financial crisis on financial performance. (6) As a whole, Taiwanese conglomerates can still improve efficiency by 42%. In other words, they need to enhance the corporate governance mechanism and resource allocation efficiency in addition to solving the problem of stagnant compensation.


中華徵信所,台灣集團企業研究, 台北:中華徵信所企業股份有限公司,民國 99 年。
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