  • 期刊


The Psychological Adjusting Process of the New Parents


本研究探討新生兒的誕生對於初為人父母者的影響及其心理調適。為達此目的,研究者以質的研究法中深度訪談的方式,訪談八位第一胎子女年齡一歲至一歲八個月間,但尚未有第二胎的新生兒父母。重要研究發現如下: 一、初為人父母者的生活,會隨著懷孕、生產、坐月子、幼兒照顧四個階段而有明顯的變化。在調適的過程中有兩個明顯的現象: l .夫妻生活重心有明顯轉移的現象,由懷孕開始,孕婦就成為家人的重心,生產後,產婦坐月子和新生兒同時成為家庭生活的重點,直到月子結束,子女的照顧成為家庭的重心。 2 .在四個階段的歷程中,家庭成員的動員有逐漸升高的趨勢,在坐月子階段最高,然後漸漸穩定下來。新生兒的加入不只影響到初生兒父母,也不同程度的影響到家中每個成員的生活,產生新的角色行為。 二、影響初為人父母者心理調適的因素有懷孕前與懷孕後兩類因素,懷孕前的影響包含:性別差異、家人關係、經濟收入、身體健康。而懷孕之後會影響到是否調適良好的因素,則可分為正向影響的因素(資源的協助、夫妻的合作、衝突的化解)與負向影響的因素(期望落差、突發事件、信心危機、衝突事件)兩種,這些因素在四個階段中皆會有所影響。 三、初為人父母者會產生以下三方面的改變: 1 .個人內在的影響:主要是在生涯規劃與工作上,尤其是女性影響更大,女性常因此而轉換工作或延後進修計劃。其它的內在影響有較具責任感、更感恩、有目標、自我要求、以身作則等。 2 .對夫妻關係的影響:包含主要夫妻家庭生活重心的改變、互動模式的改變、夫妻情感的改變。生活的重心變成為孩子為主,夫妻之問也必須改變分工的方式、互動的模式。配偶間的相互支持是受訪者覺得最重要的,也因此發展出夫妻間的感激之情。 3 .對代間關係的影響:初為人父母和上一代之間的關係會有以下的改變,包含角色地位的變化、互動的增加、居住安排的變化、代問因教養方式不同導致的衝突等。


This study is to understand if the introduction of a newborn baby will cause any adaptation and change in couple relationship and their whole family. To achieve this goal, the researcher used qualitatively deep interviews with eight new parents whose first child was around one year old and who were yet to conceive the second child. Following are the significant findings: 1 .Life focus reshuffle is obvious. From the beginning of the pregnancy, the mother-to-be is the focus of the family. After delivery, taking care of the new mother and the newborn baby is the main point of family life during the first post-natal month. After that, family life revolves around baby caring. All these would influence each member of the family to a certain degree, and new role behavior emerges. 2.The newborn baby influences the family in three ways, including the inner change of the new parents, the change between the couple, and the change among generation relationship. 3 .On the inner change of the new parents, the newborn will mainly affect its parents’ career planning and their jobs, particularly the mother’s. The other influences include stronger sense of responsibility, more gratefulness, concrete objectives, self-demanding, and setting good examples. 4.Between the couple, the involvement of the newborn baby also affects in three ways, including changes in family life focus, the couple’s interactive model, and the affection between the couple. Life focus turns around the child and the couple has to adapt themselves to house chores sharing and to the way they interact. During the process of transforming, the interviewees feel the mutual support between spouses is the most important. Most of the interviewees are grateful to the arduousness and support of their better half. 5.Though the support and assistance from the new grandparents now are not so much as those years ago, they still help a lot to relieve the burden of the new parents, and contribute to the better family interaction.


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