  • 期刊


When Patients Met Ghosts: A Preliminary Survey of Scholarly Doctors' Attitudes towards "Demonic Affliction" in Ming-Qing China





邪祟 醫者 祝由 儀式治療 心理治療 明清醫學


This article is an attempt to explore how scholarly doctors perceived and treated ”demonic affliction” in Ming-Qing China. In the recent past certain medical historians claimed that the classic Chinese medicine is a ”rationalized” medical system primarily based on naturalistic explanations of illness and methods of treatment. To me, this viewpoint is only partly true. In fact, shamanistic exorcism and religious healings have never been excluded completely from Chinese medicine throughout the ages. The ritual therapies of zhouyou 祝由 and zhoujin 咒禁 have even become a part of the official medical education since the Tang until the late Ming. It is therefore my interest to examine if the scholarly doctors in the later ages employed any ritual therapy of this kind, particularly in the cases of ”demonic affliction”. To begin with, my article introduces a category of illnesses, namely, xiesui (literally trans. ”evil influences”) as recorded in Ming-Qing medical writings. Some doctors interpreted xiesui in terms of xie as ”excessive evil” of environmental factors. Others viewed xiesui primarily as ”demonic influences”. Some of them indicated the ailments of qi depletion, blood depletion, phlegm and Fire often confused with that of xiesui. Some others suggested that the madness of xiesui should be distinguished from that of dian-, kuang-and xian-illness. Despite these incoherent viewpoints, the scholarly doctors all had an agreeable stance at its etiology, i.e., xiesui as exterior pathogens could only attack to those whose body and spirit is weak andvulnerable. For those who believed in the existence of xiesui as evil spirits, they went further to divide xiesui illnesses into various kinds, ranging from that of deities, spirits, goblins, animal fairies, ghosts, and certain ”worms-transmitted” diseases. The ”polluted” locations where afflictions by xiesui likely occur were also taken into account in some of their writings. As for the therapies, the scholarly doctors proposed methods of pulse diagnoses, prognostication and prescriptions for treating xiesui. The commonly used were drug decoctions, needling/acupuncture, burning incense/moxibustion, etc. Sometimes ointments were applied to the sexual organs of the sufferers in the cases of ”demonic sexual obsession”. Occasionally, the doctors might employ shamanistic-like methods, such as charms, spells and prayers. The ritual therapy of zhuyou was mentioned, yet never playing a key in their treatments, except for the special cases in which zhuyou serves as a sort of psychotherapy. In summary, this article is aimed at revealing the diversity of Ming-Qing scholarly doctors' interpretations and prescriptions of ”demonic afflictions”. In so doing, it only shows their perceptions of boundaries between normality and the pathological, the naturalistic and the supernatural, but to some extent the confrontation between scholarly doctors and religious healers in Ming-Qing China.




謝柏暉(2009)。明清醫學知識的爭議與建構: 以太素脈和《王叔和脈訣》為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315173412
