  • 期刊


A Study of The Regulative Breath In Qi Gong



「調身、調心、調息」是為氣功練習的三要素,其中「調息」指的就是呼吸方法的練習。 調息的基本原理是「氣壓」,壓力的不均衡會使得體內的氣產生「流動」和「力」的功能,促使人體達到調和氣血、平衡陰陽,並收到情緒和緩,平心靜氣之功效。 呼吸的型態有:風、喘、氣、息等四相,其中的「息相」是呼吸練習時的基本要領,練功時要求做到深、細、勻、長。呼吸的方法有兩三百種,最基本的是胸式呼吸、腹式呼吸、完全呼吸三種,本文依據呼吸通道、呼吸深淺、呼吸節律、呼吸力度、配合意念、配合動作等六個面向來分類。而各種呼吸的方式各有不同的功效,練習時須善加選擇。 呼吸的練習對氣功練習者是重要的一環,靜功練習者卻不可過份拘泥,以免妨礙高級氣功的鍛鍊;而調息對運動員可收身心和緩放鬆的效果,是完整的運動所不可或缺的;至於躁動不安、心緒不穩定、壓力繁重的現代人,調息更有良好的身心靈保健效果。


氣功 調息 呼吸方法


To regulate Physical, Mental and Breath are the essential factors of Qi Gong exercise, and which the Regulate breath emphasizes that the practice of breathing technique. The essential theory of Regulate breath is atmospheric pressure of innerbody, and this pressure of unbalance to be the power and flow of vital energy. This functions will be harmonizing and balance Yin and Yang of body, and benefit for emotion and mind of control. There are four appearance types for breathing include the Wind, Pant, Breath and Small breath, which the type of Small breathing is main point in breathing exercise. To practice Qi Gong that must to do deep, slow, smooth and long when we practice Qi Gong exercise. There are more than three hundred techniques for Qi Gong Breathing. The most basic three techniques are chest, abdomen and complete breathing. In this study, the context will be into six sections according to the breath passage, deep —shallow, rhythm, vigor, harmony with thought and harmony with motion, and each way of breathing has its own function. It is ought to have optimal selection during practice. Breath practice is vary important for the learner of Qi Gong. But the people who exercise the quiet Qi Gong can not over stickle for that, lest to hinder the high-level Qi Gong extend. The Regulate breath is effective gentle and relaxes for body and mind of player. It is indispensable element in the full exercise. As to the present day peoples who move restlessly, mind unsettled, heavy pressure, the regulate breath will provide good health protect effect of body, mind and spirit
