  • 期刊


A Study on the Relations among Media Reading, Peer Relational and Juvenile Deviant Behaviors-Example of Nan-Tou Area


本研究企圖以更細微的方式來探討同儕關係與少年偏差行為並且將媒體閲聽的內容型態擴大範圍來探究,以求對媒體閲聽和同儕關係有更深入的瞭解。 為了達到上述的目的,本研究採用自陳問卷調查法從南投縣的六所國中隨機抽取995案。結果發現: 媒體閲聽時間和頻率變項與少年偏差行為之關係為:當少年觀看暴力類媒體、情色類媒體、鬼怪懸疑類媒體的時間愈長時,次數愈多時,則少年愈可能發生偏差行為,但是觀看戲劇類媒體的時間愈長,次數愈多時以及觀看社會新聞類媒體次數愈多時,則少年愈不可能發生偏差行為。 同儕關係變項與少年偏差行為之關係為:當少年好奇型同儕、尋求刺激型同儕、同儕偏差行為愈多時,則少年發生偏差行為的可能性愈高;當少年用功型同儕愈多時,則少年發生偏差行為的可能性較低;少年和同儕的親密程度愈高時,則少年發生偏差行為的可能性愈高。


The research uses self-administered questionnaire survey data with randomly selected995 completed cases from the students of six in Nan-Tou junior high schools. As for the variables of media reading amount and frequency, the more the amount of reading programs of violence, porn, and bogle, the more the possibility of deviant behavior. The more the amount and frequency of reading programs of theater, the less the possibility of deviant behavior; the more the frequency of reading programs of news of social affairs and theater, the less the possibility. In the media reading amount, After peer relation variables and background variables are controlled, only the effects of reading programs of violence and porn are still statistically significant. In the media reading frequency, After peer relation variables and background variables are controlled, only the effects of reading programs of porn are still statistically significant. In other words, peer relation variables are probably the intermediate variables between media reading and deviant behavior. And it seems the peer relation variables may have greater effects than media reading variables. As for peer relation variables, the more the number of peers of curious type, of excitement-seeking type, and the number of deviant behavior of peers, the more the possibility of deviant behavior by the respondents. The more the number of peers of studying type, the less the possibility. The more the cohesion among peers, the more the possibility. After media reading variables and background variables are controlled, all of these effects are still statistically significant. Anyway, in this research, both Bandura's social learning theory and Sutherland's differential association theory are supported. That is, both learning by observation and learning by contact are influential for juvenile deviant behavior. So, if we want to decrease the occurrence of juvenile deviant behavior, choosing media and peers carefully is important.


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