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Relationship of Duodenal Juxtapapillary Diverticula to Biliary Stone Disease



十二指腸乳頭旁憩室與年齡、性別和膽道結石疾病之相關性尚未清楚。本研究之目的在於比較各不同年齡群,男女性別及各種膽道結石疾病間,其十二指腸乳頭旁憩室之發生率。回溯自1992年至1999年間,在台北醫學大學附設醫院共進行454人次之經內視鏡逆行性膽胰管攝影,但排除膽道顯影失敗,腫瘤、肝內結石及資料不全外,共227人次進入本研究。結果顯示,十二指腸乳頭旁憩室的發生率為17.6%。 年齡與年齡與十二指腸乳頭旁憩息的發生率呈相關性,年齡愈大其發生率愈高。十二指腸乳頭旁憩室的發生率在男女分別爲18.3%和17%;在統計學上沒有顯著的差異。在各種不同膽道結石疾病中,其十二指場乳頭旁憩室的發生率在總膽管結石者爲31.1%,在統計學上顯著地高鈴膽囊結石者的10.2%及無膽結石患者的18.8%。十二指腸乳頭旁憩室的發生率與年齡及總膽管結石有關而與性別及膽囊結石無關。

Parallel abstracts

The relationship between duodenal juxtapapillary diverticula (JPD), age, sex and biliary stone disease was still unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the incidence of JPD in different age groups, gender, and among different types of biliary stone diseases. The results of 227 consecutive endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) examinations conducted at the Taipei Medical University Hospital between 1992 and 1999 were retrospectively analyzed. The overall incidence of JPD was 17.6%. A positive correlation was found between age and incidence of JPD. The incidence of JPD in males and females were 18.3% and 17%, respectively. There was no significant correlation between gender and incidence of JPD. Association with JPD was signficantly higher in patients with common bile duct stones (31.1%) than patients with gallbladder (GB) stones (10.2%) or patients without biliary stones (18.8%) (p<0.05). In conclusion, the incidence of JPD increases with age, but does not related to sex. The association between JPD and biliary stone disease was significant only in patients with CBD stones, but not in patients with GB stones or free of biliary stones.

Parallel keywords

duodenal diverticula biliary stone
