  • 期刊


The Study of Adolescents' Autonomy Performance-The Exploration of One Family with a Permeable Atmosphere


本研究立基於家庭脈絡,聚焦於開放的家庭氛圍,探討其對青少年自主發展、親子關係之影響。研究選擇一「尊重自主、對外開放」之家庭,以其所有成員為對象,進行深度訪談,並歸納研究發現如下: 青少年自主是家庭動力的綜合表現,其中父母的成長、學習經驗與關係、親子關係、青少年個人的特質共構家庭因應青少年子女自主之變數。但是在形構開放的氣氛上,成員並未發揮相同的影響力;而且,一般所謂干預的管教氛圍並非發展自我管理式青少年自主的充分條件。 其次,青少年自主的展現會有認知、行為難以齊步的狀況;於生涯決定或生活管理之自主程度亦不相同。與父母相比,青少年偏向於高估其自主表現,父母則低估子女的自主表現。 該家庭乃長期有計劃的培養子女獨立自主的能力,而非在子女的挑戰下匆促因應。其對新事務接納彈性大、包容子女不盡成熟的表現、持續更新對青少年發展議題的關切,因而保留其在子女心目中之參考地位,維持好關係。父母因應子女自主表現的標凖則隨子女的年齡而調整,不過,父母對子女不夠自主的叨唸,則無利於子女自律的提昇,青少年也會因而閃躲父母的監控。 研究者根據上述結果對諮商實務、親職教育工作者,及未來研究提出建議。


Based on family context, especially focused on the open family atmosphere, the purpose of the study is to explore the development of adolescent autonomy performance and the effect of parenting. The family of ”respect autonomy” is invited for the study. We have an in-depth interview with the whole family. The results of this study are listed as follows. Adolescent autonomy is a complex performance of the family dynamic relationships. The important factors which conver such as parental past growth and learning experience, parental mutual relationships, parenthood, adolescent personal characteristics, and so on. However, under the family atmosphere of respect adolescent's autonomy, family members never display the same effects. We can also find out that open atmosphere is not the requirement for the adolescent autonomous development. Sometimes, the adolescent's cognition is not consistent with their behavior. Their self management on career decision and living was not on the same level. Compared to their parents, the adolescents overestimate their autonomous performance while their parents underestimate their children's autonomous one. The studied Family has a long-term plan to cultivate their children's independence and autonomy, not just for the growth challenge of their children. The parents adjust themselves a lot to new intrusions and tolerate their children's immature performance. Hence the parents not only own the referential position in their children's mind but also keep a good relationship with their children. Meanwhile, the parents continue to update their concern with adolescent development and keep an open atmosphere. According to the age of their children, the parents also adapt themselves to the autonomous performance standard of their children. It is found that parents' nagging at the adolescent autonomy is not good for the promotion of their children's self discipline and will make the adolescent escape from their parental supervision. Suggestions for counselors, parenting educators, and future studies are provided based on the study results.


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