  • 期刊


A Study of Performance Working Behavior Intention on Public Orchestra Musician


本研究旨在探討公立樂團團員之表演工作行為模式。以公立樂團專職團員為研究母群,共發出問卷389份,實得有效問卷244份。採用自編的問卷進行研究,問卷包括表演行為態度、表演行為主觀規範、表演行為控制知覺、表演工作滿意度、表演行為意圖及團員基本資料等六大項。將所收集的資料以SPSS 12.0進行統計分析與檢定,利用LISREL8.52進行驗證性因素分析及結構方程式的實證分析,以最大概似估計法(Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MLE)對本研究模式中各組變項間之因果關係進行估計。結果顯示:團員以女性居多(68%),婚姻狀況以已婚有小孩居多(42.6%),年齡以36至45歲者居多(41.4%)。實證研究結果顯示公立樂團團員表演行為模式中,團員表演行為態度會直接影響工作滿意度,亦會間接影響表演行為意圖,團員表演行為主觀規範會直接影響工作滿意度,亦會間接影響表演行為意圖,團員之工作滿意度會直接影響團員表演行為意圖。本研究以團員的工作滿意度為中介變數,利用修改的計畫行為理論可有效的建構及預測公立樂團團員之表演行為。


This study was finding performance working behavior model of public Orchestra Musicians. As a reseaching group on members of Orchestra Musicians, total of 389 questionnaires out of 244 were completed. The descriptive statistics socio-demographic was analyzed by SPSS 12.0. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were analyzed by LISREL 8.52 for windows. All the parameters were estimated by MLE method (maximum likelihood estimation method). The mainly findings were as follows: surveyed 244 Musicians, of whom 68% were woman, 42.69% were married with children, and 41.4% were between 36 to 45 years old. Empirical results indicated that performance working behavior affected working satisfaction directly and affected indirectly on behavioral intention. Also musicians' working satisfaction affected the behavioral intention directly. This study based on musicians' working satisfaction as a media, according to this behavior theory, one can construct and predict the musicians' working behavior.


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