  • 期刊

Creative Minds between 'Digital Fantasy', 'Pictorial Aura' and 'Photographic Reality'-Digital Computer as a Virtual Studio in Contemporary Fine Art Imaging Practice



本創作短論的主旨是探討現今數位科技在當代影像創作上的實踐與發展,並以我個人實際在數位靜態影像與錄像動畫之實驗研究與想法經驗上提出一些看法,亦此簡略參照到與本文相關創作領域之國際當代藝術家作品的想法觀念與創作研究。我以一種介乎於 ‘數位虛幻’(digital fantasy),‘繪畫氛圍’(pictorial aura)與‘影像真實’(photographic reality)之間;一種虛擬噯昧的投映景象,及一種界於真與假之間的視覺關係和特殊虛構情境來比喻此文中所提及討論的作品之視覺特色。 本創作短論内容,顧及到數位創作上的一些過去觀念與現今議題;如同數位藝術的革命進展,整合式影像以及電腦運算/電子科技美學,虛擬工作室概念與創作者思維邏輯。依如上之討論,透過審視我的近期數位動靜態影像作品中所產生的 ‘不可思議之複合體’(uncanny hybrids)與‘虛幻疆界的視覺昇華’(sublime in illusionary worlds)之視知覺感,藉此探討個人在此創作研究上的實驗與方法。在個人數位影像創作經驗上,是經由生物複合體形態發展至虛擬曖昧之意像。這些影像作品之語彙是由具有造型性美學與神秘空間感的視覺涵義所構成,此觀念涉及參考到Cavell的自發性創作理念(automatism),兩極空間觀念學(figure-ground/two-space),Deleuze多元體空間論(any-space-whatever),及驚奇感與意境昇華(uncanny and sublime)等想法。此數位創作發展方向是受到中國虛實美學與當今西方超現實視覺藝術中獨特重要理論的影響;此創作發展是藉由新概念素描,中國書法、現代繪畫、攝影、數位影像以及實驗性錄像之間的多元跨領域運用與延伸。 除此之外,現今當代影像藝術家們也已使用數位化的巧妙處理與透過革新的科技過程與製作,去提升傳達個人在創作與作品上的想法與視角。這些藝術家的創作觀,是源自於他們持續在古典/當代繪畫,電腦生成圖像及攝影技術等之間共互通領域上的整合與探索。


In the position of this paper, it centres on the recent development of digital technology in fine art practice in relation to my own experience in still/moving image experiments, methodologies and thoughts, and a brief reference to the related international contemporary artists' ideas, concepts and works. I attach the particular visual characters to the content of these works-somewhere between 'digital fantasy', 'pictorial aura' and 'photographic reality'; a projected fictional and ambiguous landscape, a visual relationship between true and fake. This practice-based study takes into consideration some past/current issues in digital-art revolution and combination prints and aesthetic concepts in computational, electronic, virtual studio and creative logic. Following on the discussion, it investigates my creative methodologies and experiments by examining visual senses of 'uncanny hybrids' and 'sublime in illusionary worlds' in my recent digital pieces. The experience of my digital-imaging practice is developed from the biomorphic and hybrid configurations to the ambiguous and fictional landscapes. These works is consisted of the visual significances of plastic beauty and spatial mystery, which refer to Cavell's automatism, figure-ground (two-space) ideology, Deleuze's any-space-whatever and the ideas of uncanny and sublime. My digital still/moving image development is influenced by particular values of Chinese aesthetics and Western Surrealism; it operates through straddling new-concept drawing, Chinese calligraphy, contemporary painting, photography, digital still and experimental short film. Additionally, the contemporary artists have challenged to use the digital manipulation that increasingly visualises and delivers their ideas and imaginations through progressive technologies, processes and productions. These digital works come from their continuing explorations of the shared territory between classical/modern painting, computer-rendered graphics and photographic technology.


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