  • 期刊


The Research and Analysis for the Romantic Ballet "Giselle"


浪漫芭蕾是一種富於詩意的舞蹈藝術,其表現主體包含了實質與虛幻的對比與交織,舞劇《吉賽兒》是將浪漫主義的精神發揮得最淋漓盡致的經典作品。自1841年首演至今百餘年,《吉賽兒》一直都是世界上各大舞團列為固定演出的舞碼,也是長久以來倍受觀眾喜愛的舞劇。本文介紹《吉賽兒》產生的背景,劇情的介紹以及角色之間的衝突關係,更從劇中舞蹈、戲劇和音樂的結構,做深入的探討與分析。 在研究過程中筆者發現,雖然東西方舞蹈在肢體使用上不盡相同,但我國古典舞中的「圓、迴、流、韻」的動作特質與浪漫芭蕾卻有著相同的表現特色。文中筆者也將曾經參與舞劇《吉賽兒》幕前幕後實務工作的經驗與理解,轉而以文字陳述整齣舞劇的結構和表現方式,從抽絲剝繭的剖析中,期能更深究舞劇架構與人物刻劃,進而也作為筆者或舞蹈創作者在創作上的參考。


浪漫芭蕾 吉賽兒


The romantic ballet is full of poetic choreography which the main body of manifested itself was to perform the contrast and the interweaving of reality and imaginary. The romantic ballet ”Giselle” was the best classical work which narrated the romanticism thoroughly most. Since from 1841 premier performance till now, ”Giselle” has been a repertoire constantly performed by every famous ballet company in the world as well as been one of the popular ballets welcome by audiences in years. In this article which will introduce briefly the background of ”Giselle”, the plot of this play and the conflicts among characters; making in-depth research and analysis from the dance, drama and musical structure. During the research I found that the romantic Ballet and the Chinese classical dance have similar aesthetical features. Even the movements or gestures of these two kinds of dance are different. And I had been involved in the actual works for ”Giselle” at the stage and rehearsal mistress, with my experience and understanding I wrote this article to narrate this whole ballet according to its structure of the plot of the play and the way of its performance, and by my detailed analysis, hopefully, it can be expected to be referred by myself or choreographers for deeper study for the structure of the plot and the vivid characters of the ballet.


Romantic Ballet Giselle


Ashton, Geoffrey(1985).Stories of the Ballets Giselle.Great Britain:Aurm Press LTD.
Cohen, Selma Janne(1974).Dance as a Theater Art. Dodd.Mead E. Company Inc.
Gail Grant(1967).Technical Manual And Dictionary of Classical Ballet.Dover Publications, Lnc.
George. Noverre、管震湖、李胥森譯(1982)。舞蹈和舞劇書信集。上海:文藝出版社。
Giselle(1996).Teator ALLA scala Ballet & bel Air Media/RM Associates.


沈家如(2010)。黑翅揚起 新觀《天鵝湖》之黑天鵝角色的可能性〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6835/TNUA.2010.00148
