  • 期刊


The Study of Public Enterprise Operated by Local Government: Case of Miaoli County


苗栗縣政府開地方政府之先,成立苗能實業公司,做為縣市政府首創的公營能源公司。因此,在能源政策的推動方面,苗栗縣政府如何兼顧能源效率以及環保安全,本研究以SWOT分析法,探討苗能實業公司的優勢(Strength)、劣勢(Weakness)、機會(Opportunity)和威脅(Threat),用以深入了解苗能實業公司全面的競爭優勢與定位,並據此提供政策建議。 本研究發現,苗能實業公司本身擁有的優勢如下:1.眾多優秀專業人才且組織文化較為彈性,2.資金足夠與政商關係較良好,3.商譽較具信用,4.為經營排碳權的先驅,5.擁有地利之便;存在的劣勢則包括:1.公營心態效率較差、無法因應市場變化,2.員工年齡較高,3.整體發展體系與研發結構尚未完備,4.組織內部員工不協調。 本研究還發現,苗能實業公司在外在環境中面對的機會如下:1.可藉民營化進行組織重整,2.拓展排碳權的經營業務,3.拓展各種能源政策與多角化經營,4.消費者日漸重視節能觀念,5.產品研發具高效益與威脅;威脅則包括1.政府採購法的實施,2.溫室氣體減量法草案尚未通過,3.專利權法有漏洞,4.基層勞力短缺與人力成本較高。 本研究針對苗能實業公司未來的經營與發展提出以下建議:1.提升生產效率與產品品質,2.維護員工權益、滿足社會期待,3.明確區隔目標市場,4.加快推動排碳權交易。


地方政府 公營事業 苗栗縣 能源 SWOT


Miaoli county government is the first local government to operate public enterprise in Taiwan. Based on the encouragement of energy policy, Miaoli Energy Enterprise is established to promote both energy efficiency and environmental safety. This paper applied SWOT analysis on Miaoli Energy Enterprise, in order to explore its competitive advantage and positioning, so as to provide policy recommendations. This paper found that Miaoli Energy Enterprise has the following strength: 1. Many excellent employees with expertise and flexible organizational culture. 2. Sufficient fund and superior connection to government and business. 3. Good credit. 4. First company to operate CO2 emission. 5. Convenient traffic. On the other hand, Miaoli Energy Enterprise has the following weakness: 1. Attitude of State-owned enterprise reduces efficiency and hinders the response to market change. 2. High average age of employees. 3. Lack of overall research and development structure. 4. employee discoordination. In addition, this paper discovered that Miaoli Energy Enterprise has the following opportunities: 1. Reorganization through privatization. 2. Increase the sales of CO2 emission rights.3. Expand the energy policy and diversification. 4. Consumers are more and more energy-saving oriented. 5. Product R&D brings high profits. On the other hand, Miaoli Energy Enterprise has the following threats: 1. The enacting of Government Purchase Law. 2. The Law of Reducing Green House Emission is still pending. 3. Patent Law is not fully defined. 4. Lack of low-end labor and huge labor cost. Finally, the policy recommendations for the future operation and development of Miaoli Energy Enterprise were presented as follows: 1. Increase production efficiency and product quality.2. Retain the rights and benefits of employees to fulfill the social expectation. 3. Clearly define target markets. 4. Expedite the transaction of CO2 emission rights.


Local government Public enterprise Miaoli county Energy SWOT




