  • 期刊


The Public-Private Partnerships of Operating a SwimmingPool: A Case Study of National Dali Senior High School




Purpose: The study is based on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) theory to investigate management, interaction model, and operating efficiency of swimming pool in National Dali Senior High School (NDSH). Method: Both document analysis and interview were used to collect research data. At beginning, collecting and analyzing the secondary data included business contracts, operating projects, and acts for promotion of private participation of NDSH swimming pool. Moreover,the researcher conduct interviews with three representatives in time sequence for the swimming pool operator and two staffers of School. To sum up, the study is based on PPP theory focusing on secondary data analysis and interview method to discuss the interaction model between government and the private sector representatives. Result: The operating authority of swimming pool has been transferred in ways of OT. The business time differs according to weekday or weekends. It is open in the early morning and evening during weekday but all day on weekends. In other words, during the school time, no swimmers are allowed excluded the NDSH teacher and students. Two perspectives related to interaction model from PPP theory included the hierarchical system and resource dependence are considered deliberate. First, speaking of the entrance fee policy, the interaction model between the private representative and NDSH is so called horizontal complement. On the contrary, between ministry of education and NSDH is the vertical separation. Secondly, when it comes to equipment purchase and maintenance, the interaction model between the private representative and NDSH is vertical separation, the same way with ministry of education and NDSH. Lastly, operating strategy is taken through horizontal complement for the private representative, as well as ministry of education to co-work with NDSH. The efficiency of the study case, swimming pool operating in NDSH, shows school not only decreases the expenses of electronic, water, fuel, management and some equipments, etc but increases royalty to solve the difficulties of self-operating. In addition, improve the students' swimming abilities as well. The study suggests lots of advantages to apply PPP theory. For the private representative, it earns profits. For government, it reuses the public assets, increase tax income, add employment opportunities, and meet citizen’s demand for public works. To be concluded, the PPP policy creates win-win situation.


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