  • 期刊


The Effect of Different Match Results, Match Types and Time Periods on Heart Rates in Men's Singles Tennis


目的:本研究目的主要是探討男子網球單打比賽勝負結果、不同比賽類別與不同時期對網球選手之心肺功能之影響,並採用心跳率為測試指標以進行相關研究。方法:以樹德科技大學休閒遊憩與運動管理系之甲組男性網球選手10名(平均年齡20.7±1.4歲、平均身高172.8±7.7公分、平均體重67.2±11.5公斤)進行最大攝氧量測試及網球單打模擬競賽,比賽過程中以polar無線心率錶量測網球選手在模擬實際競賽中之心跳率,並於比賽過程中以DV數位攝影機全程錄影。資料以相依樣本三因子變異數分析(3-way ANOVA)進行考驗,獲得以下結果:一、勝負結果、比賽類別與不同時期等三因子間對男子網球單打比賽的心跳率無交互作用的影響;二、二因子間僅有比賽類別與不同時期對心跳率有交互作用的影響;三、勝負結果對心跳率的變化並無顯著影響;而比賽類別有顯著影響,且決賽之心跳率顯著快於預賽;四、不同時期對心跳率變化有顯著影響,且運動期之心跳率顯著快於休息期。結論:本研究結論為在男子網球單打比賽中,隨著競賽強度的增加,心跳率亦會有增加的趨勢;運動期之心跳率明顯快於休息期,而期間的休息時間無法使選手充分的恢復其心跳率,可做為未來訓練之參考。


This study primarily investigated the effect of different match results, match types and time periods on players' cardiopulmonary function in men's singles tennis, adopting the heart rate as the test indicator. Inhalation tests and a simulated tournament were conducted with ten tennis players (average age 20.7±1.4 years, average height 172.8±7.7, average weight 67.2±11.5 kg) from the first team at Shu-Te University's Department of Recreation and Sports Management. During the simulated competition polar wireless heart rate monitors were used to measure the tennis players' heart rates, and the entire competition was filmed by digital video camera. Afterwards, winning or losing (match won, match lost), the type of match (preliminary or final), time periods (rest periods, play periods) were taken as independent variables, and the heart rate gained by polar measurement as dependent variables, and testing was performed using paired 3-way ANOVA to check for differences. The three factors of winning or losing, type of match and different time periods had no interactive effect on heart rate in men's singles tennis matches. As regards two factors, only type of match and different time periods had an interactive effect on heart rate. Winning or losing had no significant effect on changes in heart rate. Type of match, however, had a significant effect, and the heart rate during finals was significantly higher than that during preliminaries. Different time periods also have a significant effect on heart rate, and heart rates are significantly higher during play periods than during rest periods. During men's tennis matches, the heart rate tends to increase with increases in the strength of competition. Heart rates during periods of play are significantly higher than those during periods of rest, while the periods of rest are insufficient to enable players to recover their normal heart rates. Training, in future, might take account of these findings.




