  • 期刊


The Relationship between Family Policy and Family Ideology - Take the Evolution of Family policy in Both Parties in the United States




In recent years, family research scholars have found that family ideology has been influenced by family policies. The diversity of family patterns is also testing whether the formulation of family policies can reflect the needs of contemporary families. This study examines the four major family-related policies implemented in the United States over the past forty years, i.e., Family Assistance Payments, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Childcare and Family Care Leave. Through the examination, this study explores how different family ideologies held by the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties have influenced their family policy making as well as how different family policies affect the ideology of "family" among the U.S. public. In addition, the study investigates the relationship between "family policies" and "family ideology" from the following four perspectives: the objectives and orientation of family policies, the policy ideologies of "traditional family" and "employment-type family", whether childcare can be regarded as an occupation, and the evolution of family ideology. Finally, the study proposes the following suggestions from the angle of family educators. First, family education should be integrated into family policies more, thereby redirecting greater focus to the fundamental essence of family education, i.e., "education" and "prevention". In addition, local family research should be taken as a reference for the objective formulation in policymaking. Reducing the cost of family policies through family education by re-adopting the perspectives of "people" and "relationship" should invariably sit at the core of policymaking throughout the evolution of different family ideologies.


Woods, D. (2012). Family Policy in Transformation: US and UK policies. Springer. Doi: 10.1057/9780230348844.
財政部(2021)。110 年度綜合所得稅及所得基本稅額相關免稅額、扣除額及課稅級距金額一覽表。財政部。取自 https://www.mof.gov.tw/singlehtml/384fb3077bb349ea973e7fc6f13b6974?cntId=7bd6ee92cab74cd581d9e02798043d8e.
