  • 期刊


On the Intercultural Presentation of Taming of the Shrew by HighSun Taiwanese Opera


許多戲劇在不同的國度及年代裡,即有不同呈現方式,只爲能更加反映當時的國情或藝文潮流,更期望爲觀眾所接受。其中,莎士比亞的劇作向來是許多人的最愛,不論悲劇喜劇,不管何時何地,都有不同的人各自用他們的方式,在搬演莎士比中的戲碼,其中又以「四大悲劇」及「四大喜劇」最常見。 本文將以莎士比亞的喜劇《馴悍記》(Taming of the Shrew)爲前提,探討海山戲館改編演出的《惡女嬌妻》(2007)劇之跨文化呈現方式。這齣喜劇以特有的歌仔戲置例(Conventions),來反諷舊時社會與現時社會眼中的「惡女、惡男」望與「淑女、淑男」,輝映出「舊時代」與「新時代」理想中的金童玉女形象。希望透過客觀的比較與論析,提供喜愛傳統戲曲的編劇及演員,進一步思考應如何藉由不同的跨文化呈現方式,使更多人欣賞傳統戲曲之美。


There are many different ways of presenting dramatic works in different countries and age, aiming to reflect the trend of theatre arts and to penetrate their audience. Among them, in spite of tragedy or comedy, ignore to when and where, The popularity of Shakespeare's plays, comedies or tragedies, still exist everywhere in the world. His works are presented on the stage in different ways, and ”the Great Four Comedies” and ”the Great Four Tragedies” are most well-known. Applying the theory of Intercultural theatre, this paper will examine how Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew was adapted into a Taiwanese opera with the same title by HighSun Taiwanese Opera Troupe in 2007. This traditional drama, based upon the theatrical conventions of Taiwanese Opera, reflects the contrast between ”the bad woman and man” of old society and ”lady and gentleman” in modem society. Furthermore, it also aims to compare the ideal images of both sexes in both societies. With an objective comPavison of the plays, I would like to offer my conclusion to the theatre goers, playwrights and performers of the traditional theatre, and to encourage them to consider how to reads more audience through various presentation of intercultural theatre.
