  • 期刊


Art Therapists Arc Also Artists-Utilizing the Drama Therapists' Professions


目前在戲劇界,很多人視戲劇治療爲不正統的戲劇表演,然而治療之所以珍貴,在於案主對於自我挑戰的意願及其期待改變欲獲轉機的意志;過程中,治療師與案主形成合作的「同夥關係」;互相影響,彼此激勵,一起經歷人生的風景。戲劇治療屬於表達性藝術治療的一環,其價值在於透過戲劇創作的過程,讓參與的成員獲得啟發,透過戲劇多元性與啟發性的特質,有助於團體初期建立關係,並幫助治療師在團體各個階段找到不同的施力點,與案主一同發現新的心靈風景;而戲劇表演其距離化的功能也有助於案主在治療過程中卸下心防,在治療師引導下,勇敢面對自我成長課題。 治療師從戲劇的角度出發,透過專業的戲劇技巧讓案主在安全的狀態重新審視及挑戰個人議題,幫助案主探索、覺察自我使戲劇成爲活化傳統心理治療的重要媒介但如何在劇場表演的專業與案主的個人需求以及團體利益之間取得平衡?治療師則須回歸「人」的本質,秉持當事者中心的態度,時時檢視反思。


Nowadays many people still don't think what drama therapists do is as professional as artists do. Why therapy is precious lies on clients' strong will to overcome obstacles and change themselves. Therapists cooperate with their clients and experience the process of therapy side by side. Drama therapy belongs to expressive art therapy. Art contains diversification to arouse people's soul. Therapists snake members feel safer through drama therapy, which develops the relationship between therapists and group members. Drama therapists use different ways of diversity to cooperate with clients in different section. Distancing in performance helps members feel safe and is used by therapists to make members feel ready to concentrate on the issues of themselves. Drama therapists use professional drama skills to make the clients inspect their own issues and challenge them by a soft way. What therapists do is to help their clients recover and empowered. Drama is an important medium to stimulate members' development of spirits without facing their own problems so direct, which is different from the traditional therapy. How do drama therapists balance between the professions of performance and the clients' need us group? Therapists should put more stress on tile nature of human beings, make self-examinations, and always keep the client-centered attitude.
