  • 期刊


A Study on Using Kano's Model to Explore the Service Quality of Management Service and Maintenance Company for Building


公寓大廈管理維護公司在台灣屬於新興的「服務業」,近年來由於市場需求龐大、進入門檻小,進而帶動公寓大廈管理維護公司的興起;其在大台北地區更有產業集中化之現象,故為了能讓業者建立市場上的競爭優勢,住戶所追求之服務品質將是公司在經營策略上的一個重要依據。 本研究以「PZB服務品質認知差距模式」及「SERVQUL量表」為基礎,建構公寓大廈管理維護公司品質特性之量表;並以「Kano二維品質模式」與品質機能展開法互為運用,歸納顧客對品質要素之潛在需求並以矩陣表轉換品質資訊,整合組織各部門,落實顧客導向的服務。 透過文獻回顧及問卷調查的方式,本研究獲知PZB模式對顧客需求服務的篩選,Kano模式對品質要素影響顧客滿意程度的分析,與品質特色的歸類,將顧客面與作業面的需求,在品質屋模式中作邏輯化的展開與整合,提供公寓大廈管理維護公司作為研擬服務品質管理策略的依據,更有效的管理服務品質。


Management Service and Maintenance Company for Building belonged to service industry emerging in Taiwan the recent years because the market demand huge, entered the threshold to be small, then led it for Building starting. There is more the industry concentration in its region in Taipei the phenomenon therefore the quality which in order to may in the letting industry establishment market competitive advantage inhabitant pursue will be a company's in management strategy important basis. This research according to the PZB service quality model and SERVQUAL scale for basis, establish the Management Service and Maintenance Company for Building quality character and service quality measurement structure and key element, and apply each other to Kano's Two-dimension model and QFD model, sum up the household on quality key element's potential utility and according matrix conversion to quality information. Organize a discussion various and practicable customer guide of the quality. Through the way of the cultural heritage review and questionnaire investigate, this research has learned that the mode of PZB sieving toward customer need service, the mode of Kano model affects the analysis that customer be satisfied with the degree to the quality main factor, categorizing with quality special features, customer and homework of need, make in HoQ model the logic turns of launch and integrate, provide the management service and Management Service and Maintenance Company for Building conduct and actions and draw up the basis that service quality manage the strategy, more valid service quality of the management.


