  • 期刊


A Study on the Procurement Problems in Construction Industry and the Development of Management System




Building market has been shortened for last few years and tremendously affected the construction profit in Taiwan. Construction companies have to face the competition from foreign corporations after joining WTO, therefore, properly enhance the organization conditions and promote the construction management capability are the key issues to improve company's competition. Constructions companies are usually lake of control in procurement, consequently, cause problems such as over budget, schedule delay, bad quality and out of control for subcontractors. This research will investigate on procurement environment for construction industry and propose improvement strategies for defects. An integrated system, including Basic Information, Activity Setup, Price Inquiring, Price Report, Subcontractor Appraisal and Database Management, is developed by using Delphi and Windows environment. The system can perform subcontractor appraisal to select appropriate partners so the procurement task can be achieved efficaciously. Through the help of this handy tool, the purchasing task can be well integrated to reduce the data input, save the inquiring time, prevent the human mistakes, promote the efficiency of automated and promote the competition for enterprise.


