  • 期刊


Comparing Taiwan Provincial Consultative Council Members with Advisors on District's Administrative Affairs of New Special Municipalities


約莫從20多年前開始,西方「新公共管理」(new public management)與「政府再造」(reinventing government)思潮,也漸成為我國公共行政學上的重要研究與討論議題,配合1990年代憲政改革的進程,國內學者期待此思維也能為政府的改革注入新活力,以建立一個更有效能的政府。1998年1月當時的行政院院長蕭萬長已開始著手推動的「政府再造」工程。2001年陳水扁總統府成立「政府改造委員會」,推動政府改造事宜。然而這廿年來,我國地方自治史上的兩件大事-「精省」與「五都」的形成,讓原來的台灣省省議會正式走入歷史,而代之以屬性不明,讓人幾乎不知有它存在的「台灣省諮議會」與「台灣省諮議員」,另外在五都形成後的新直轄市又有過渡型的「區政諮詢委員」的產生。「台灣省諮議員」與「區政諮詢委員」,看似相仿的兩個角色之職權與功能究竟為何?本論文以歷史回顧的方式,用「政府再造」之觀點,實際瞭解後發現這兩角色之產生完全悖離「政府再造」之思潮,尤其「區政諮詢委員」之產生與運作,將來在我國地方自治史上的評價恐怕是十分負面的。


Some 20 years ago, the trends of "New Public Management" and "Reinventing Government" from the West began to demonstrate great influence on Taiwan, and became hot topics in the academic field of public administration. At that time, in response to these trends, Taiwan's public sector, academic communities and civil society tried to conceive plans of political reform for a new, effective government. However, there were two mainly local government reforms-introducing the Provincial Consultative Council Members after terminating the election of Province Assembly and introducing the District's' Advisors on Administrative Affairs with the establishment of new Metropolis. What are the functions and meanings of these two new roles under the trend of reinventing government? The essay tried to get insight to theory and reality of these two roles with literature review. Finally, the essay found the fact that two main local government reforms against the trend of reinventing. In particular, having Districts' Advisors entirely violates the fundamentals of democracy and will earn negative evaluation in coming years.


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