  • 期刊


The Gait Analysis of an Ultra Marathon Race Based on Split Time: Take 2007 Soochow International 24hrs Ultra Marathon Race as Example


本研究是針對超級馬拉松24小時賽優秀選手在比賽中,各分段時間之步幅與跨步耗時之分析。研究對象爲2007年東吳國際超級馬拉松24小時賽中,冠軍選手日本籍關家良一先生(Ryoichi Sekiya),及我國最佳成績的選手吳勝銘先生(第三名)兩人作爲個案研究。研究方法是在24小時賽中,用攝影方法記錄跑者之步態加以分析,將24小時以每4小時爲一單位區分成6個分段時間來分析比較。所獲得的結果如下:(一)、男性優秀超級馬拉松24小時賽的運動員,除要有超強耐力、意志力外,跑者必須具備平均時速11公里以上的能力。(二)兩位跑者的步幅都隨比賽時間愈長而變小的趨勢;每一跨步耗時亦隨比賽時間愈久耗時愈多;因此平均速度也隨之下降。這些現象都出現在第5個分段時間(17~20小時)。原因可能是第17小時正好是午夜1點,一方面是處於生理時鐘應該睡眠時間、同時場邊加油的觀眾逐漸減少的影響所致。(三)、下肢長短可能影響步幅的大小,而超級馬拉松跑步成績快慢受步幅大小的影響高於步頻對速度的影響。


超級馬拉松 分段時間 步態 步幅 步頻


The purpose of this paper is to study the stride of good runner in 24hrs Ultra Marathon Race. Take the champion–Japanese competitor Ryoichi Sekiya and the third place-Taiwanese competitor Sheng Ming Wu in 2007 Soochow International 24hrs Ultra Marathon Race as subjects. Research method is recording the runners' performance within 24hrs then split it into six sections. Compare every section with each other and analyze the result. The following are the consequence: (1) the male runners should be endurance and perseverance. In addition, the average race pace of them should be over 11 kilometer per hour. (2) Both competitors’ running stride length became smaller as the race went by. Besides, every stride spent more time than before, and the average speed also decreased. The above showed up in the fifth section (about 17 to 20 hrs). It might because the 17 hour was one o'clock at midnight, which was the sleeping time for biological clock. In addition, the decreased cheerers might be another reason for the result. (3) The length of legs might influence the stride length of running pace. The result of 2007 Soochow International 24hrs Ultra Marathon Race might influenced by the stride length of running pace more than the frequency of running stride rate (sec/step).


Ultra marathon split time gait stride length stride rate
