  • 期刊


The Hermeneutics of the Mountaineering Text: A Casein "Closing to the Heaven


本研究之目的在進行登山意義之詮釋性探討,以高山筆記書「臨界天堂」作爲分析之文本,採質性研究中之詮釋學方法,藉以理解文本產生的條件和登山之存有學意涵。研究結果發現:一、文本揭示登山不以人爲主體,以百岳登頂爲目標,登山者與山、與花融合爲一,開顯了登山更廣闊的可能性。二、文本揭示放鬆緩慢,「回到事物本身」,爲登山而登山,進入登山的存有世界。三、透過「此有」的詢問,關切世界中之物,在主客融合意識下同等尊重。四、文本在「此有視域」、「傳統視域」和莊子的「哲學視域」三者之融合下,進入一個創造性的詮釋學循環。五、登山過 程中偶而會面對死亡,開展了「朝向死亡的自由」,達致存有的整體,開創一個具有實存意義的生命。


詮釋學 存有 視域融合


The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of the Hermeneutics of mountaineering. This study adopted the qualitative research that Hermeneutics to analyze the text of mountain works-”Closing to the Heaven”. Through this research to understand the background of the text creative significance and Being of mountain. The results found that: (1) This text is found in mountain climbing is not human-subjects, but in order to board the mountain peak as the goal. When the climber, mountain and flowers together as one, to be shown climbing out of a broad vision; (2) In order to enter ”Being” of mountain climbing activities, this text shows that a climber must relax slowly back to himself(3) In the perspective of the subject-object integration within the equal respect. It is to be concerned the everything in the world through the inquiry of ”Dasein”; (4) The Integration of ”Dasein of horizon”, ”Tradition of horizon”, Zhuangzi's ”Philosophy of horizon” were creative a circle of Hermeneutical; (5) The process of climbing faces death occasionally. This text explores that ”towards the death of freedom” could Being as a whole to creative the life of reality.


hermeneutics being fusion of horizon
