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The Comparison of Balance Ability between Canoe Polo Players and Untrained College Students


本研究目的是在比較輕艇水球選手與一般大專學生之靜態平衡能力。招募大專甲組校隊輕艇男選手8名(平均年齡為18.9±1.5歲,平均身高是174±6.61公分,平均體重為68.88±9.43公斤);一般男大學生8 名(平均年齡為19.3±1.3歲,平均身高是174±3.11公分,平均體重為66.13±3.91公斤),共16名實驗參與者,以隨機順序進行靜態平衡測試:閉眼單足站立測驗,動作達穩定後擷取20秒的壓力中心移動軌跡資料,分別比較兩組實驗參與者左右腳之總移動軌跡、前後方向擺盪軌跡、左右方向擺盪軌跡、擺盪面積及每5秒鐘為單位的壓力中心擺盪軌跡路徑長、面積等數據,統計方法使用獨立樣本t考驗分析比較組間是否達顯著差異,組內以成對樣本t考驗比較不同站立腳表現上是否有差異,顯著水準皆為α=.05。獲得以下結果:組間各項平衡參數皆未達顯著差異,在閉眼單腳平衡站立的測驗上,輕艇水球選手與一般大專生的平衡控制能力並沒有差異。根據結果,建議有興趣之研究者針對核心肌群或是測試上半身的平衡能力,並加入肌力表現的考量,以更進一步探討輕艇選手的平衡控制能力。


測力板 平衡能力 輕艇 壓力中心


The purpose of this research was to compare the balance ability between canoe polo players and untrained college students by using forces plates. Eight male canoe polo players and eight untrained college students were served as the subjects for this study. The mean height, weight and age of canoe polo players were 174 ± 6.61 cm, 68.88 ± 9.43 kg and 18.9 ± 1.5 years. The mean height, weight and age of untrained college students were 174 ± 3.11 cm, 66.13 ± 3.91 kg and 19.3 ± 1.3 years.The method of this study was right leg stance with eyes-closed test and subjects should changed right leg to left leg after previous test about 5 minutes later. There were some parameters were compared between two groups, including the sums of every single leg displacement, the range of anterior-posterior swing, the range of medial-lateral swing, swinging area, and the swinging area and the length of center of pressure swinging track during per five seconds. Carry on starting capture data while subject stood on force plate by single leg stability and capturing data for 20 seconds. COP data was captured by using kistler force plate (100Hz) and the selected variables were tested by t-test of independence between groups (α=.05) and pair t-test of dependence within factors (α=.05).The main results of this study were as follow: the balance ability between canoe polo players and untrained college students was much the same (p>.05). The result shows that the canoe polo players balance ability was the same with untrained college students at one leg stance with eyes-closed test. According to this research the authors would suggest the need for future research focusing on searching certain method to increase core muscles ability or to increase balance ability on up-body in order to further discuss the canoe polo players' balance ability.
