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Using Strength of Signal Flow to Enhance Circuit Simulation's Performance



此篇論文討論一個利用導引資訊的新的概念以幫助線路模擬演算法提高線路模擬的效率,此導引資訊稱做信號流強度,配合的演算法是基於鬆弛演算法之-的Iterated Timing Analysis (ITA),此方法保有ITA演算法之所有優點,並增添了許多其他的優點,計算公式和演算法細節都有詳細的說明,所有提出的方法都加以實做,也實際測試在許多個大型線路上、以證明所提出方法的成功和對線路模擬效率的提昇。此方法對於電路設計業界將有極大的助益。


A new idea of expoliting the ”guidance information” to get more computation efficiency for circuit simulation has been proposed. The guidance information used is the strength of signal flow and is cooperated with Iterated Timing Analysis algorithm (ITA) to get better simulation performance in dealing with large-scale MOSFET circuits. Derivations of calculation methods for strength of signal flow, and algorithm details are all stated and implemented. Several large-scale examples circuits are tested for the implemented program, whose results are quite pleasing. This new method pertains all advantages of ITA algirithm (it's robust, good at simulating tightly-coupled circuits, accurate, flexible and so on). Moreover, this new method provides additional advantages, such as ability of utilizing both multirate and latency behaviors of simulated circuits, and having a lower computation time complexity. All benefits earned by this new method are all justified by experimental results. The new method has demonstrated a brand new approach to enhance the efficiency of algorithms in solving the circuit simulation problem. which has made a significant progress. We think the result of this paper can have important contribution in circuit design community. We also believe the novel ieda of simulation with guidance information is very valuable and can be adopted in other researches to get more successes.
