  • 期刊


The Exploration of Consumer Behavior of Elementary School Students' Parents on Choosing After-School Care Service Institutes-Sampling the Situation of Hsin-Chu Municipal Bei-Men Elementary School


本研究旨在探討國小學童家長爲孩子選擇課後安親才藝班之消費行爲,目的在瞭解學童家長選擇課後安親才藝班的各項特質及才藝產品類型之現況,並探究不同個人特徵的學童家長,在爲學童選擇課後安親才藝班時,對課後安親才藝班特質看法上的差異情形。本研究的調查對象是以新竹市北門國小學童家長爲受試樣本,透過問卷調查法進行資料的收集,共發出542份問卷,回收468份,有效問卷數爲459份,回收可用率爲84.69%。資料統計分析以描述性分析、信度分析、項目分析、次數分配、百分比、卡方檢定(χ^2 test)等方法加以分析。 本研究之研究結果爲學童家長在選擇課後安親才藝班時,對課後安親才藝班特質中所考量的各項因素如下:(1)極重視教師師資因素;(2)重視環境設備因素;(3)中度考量費用因素;(4)重視知名度因素;(5)重視消費經驗因素;(6)中度重視資訊傳遞因素。 不同個人特徵的學童家長在課後安親才藝班特質看法上達顯著差異情形如下:(1)在性別上部份達顯著差異存在;(2)在年齡上部份達顯著差異存在;(3)在教育程度上部份達顯著差異存在;(4)在職業上部份達顯著差異存在;(5)在所得上部份達顯著差異存在。


The purpose of the present study intends to explore consumer behavior of elementary school students' parents on choosing after-school care service institutes. It aims at researching into a full scope of respective essentials and models of after-school care service institutes upon parents' selection. Moreover, this study tries to probe the different viewpoints of parents while choosing after-school care service institutes based on their individual personalities. The participants in the present study were parents of Hsin-Chu Municipal Bei-Men Elementary school students. In this quantitative study, the data collected via questionnaires: total of 542 questionnaires with 468 received, among them, 459 were valid for further analysis. The rate of valuable sample is 84.69%. The data were analyzed statistically to demonstrate the results by descriptive analysis, validity analysis, item analysis, distribution analysis, percentage, and Chi-square Test (χ^2 test). The findings in the present study indicate that the considerations and factors affecting parents upon choosing after-school care service institutes are summarized as below: 1) The factor of teachers' professional qualifications is highly rated. 2) The factor of institutes' equipment is also highly rated. 3) The factor of expenses is averagely rated. 4) The factor of brand awareness is much valued. 5) The factor of previous consuming experiences is also much valued. 6) The factor of information transmission is averagely rated. The individual personalities of the participants in this research also signify the differences upon choosing after-school care service institutes: 1) Significant differences were found between the variable of genders of the parents. 2) Significant differences were found among the variable of ages of the parents. 3) Significant differences were found among the variable of educational backgrounds of the parents. 4) Significant differences were found among the variable of occupations of the parents. 5) Significant differences were found among the variable of monthly incomes of the parents.


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