  • 期刊


On the Interlocutory Order of Public Law from the Perspective of Effective Remedy-A Dialogue with the Decisions of the Highest Administrative Court


所謂有效權利保護是指儘可能實現人民對權利保護的需求,並且在兼顧行政效率、第三人權利保護、訴訟效率的前提下,儘可能以最小的成本,實現憲法規定的原則。權利保護的有效性不僅是立法政策的指導原則,也是解釋現行行政訴訟條文的依據。行政訴訟上的假處分(行政訴訟法第二百九十八條以下)作爲暫時權利保護制度的一環,具有「權利確保」、「分配法院錯誤判決風險」以及「暫時滿足」功能,本文試圖從儘可能以較低的制度運作成本,有效保護人民的實體與訴訟權利,達成此三項功能爲前提,來分析最高行政法院對假處分的相關裁定。 就假處分請求之合法性要件而言,法院應釐清暫時權利保護的要件,當人民因不熟悉訴之類型或訴之要件時,應從有效權利保護的觀點,解釋假處分請求之合法性要件。首先,機關對政府採購契約,不良履約廠商之(九十一年度裁字第二三八號),應透過法院的解釋,賦予廠商預防性的公法救濟途徑。立法政策上,則應指定(民事)高等法院審判此類爭議。其次,相對於聲請行政處分之停止執行,假處分具有補充性,人民因不熟稔訴之類型,有應聲請行政處分之停止執行而誤聲請假處分(八十九年度裁字第一七二八號),或應聲請假處分而誤請求暫時停止行政處分之效力(九十年度裁字第八七三號)者,常遭駁回。爲確實有效保護人民權利,法院遇此案件,應充分行使闡明權,使人民有變更請求之機會。但若人民對行政處分之執行行爲提起假處分(八十八年度裁聲字第四號),則法院唯有駁回。至於權利保護必要,乃確保法院資源有效利用之機制,聲請假處分自不能例外,因此爲保全強制執行之公法上權利因法律或事實變更已完全質現(九十年度裁字第九九七號),無權利保護必要,但訴訟費用之負擔應由法院依照當事人引發訴訟的程度,由法院裁量,而不應一味由聲請人負擔。至於預防性假處分原則上雖應禁止(九十年裁字六二一號),但若等待行政機關行爲會對人民造成無可回復的損害,例外仍應許可。 就聲請假處分有無理由而言,法院在時間的壓力下,必須就聲請人對事實所提出之釋明,概括審查是否有高度蓋然率已經具備法定要件,包括假處分的請求基礎以及假處分請求的理由。在假處分的請求基礎判斷上,若保全假處分之聲請人不具公法上之權利(九十年度裁字第七七三號),其請求爲無理由。法院更進一步認爲,聲請定暫時狀態假處分,必須爭執之公法上法律關係具有繼續性,以免聲請人以假處分取得唯有本案判決方能給予之給付(九十年皮裁字第七八三號地)。基於同樣的理由,法院認爲,當行政機關有裁量權或判斷餘地時,聲請假處分應駁回(九十一年度裁字第二九○號)。但本文認爲,基於有效權利保護,不必堅持所謂的禁止本案判決事先取得。在判斷假處分請求的理由時,法條規定保全假處分,必須權利有不能實現或甚難實現之處(九十一年度裁字第四十九號),在定暫時狀態假處分,必須有重大之損害或急迫之危險(九十一年度裁字第一四九號),在這些抽象的構成要件概念背後,法院基本上必須進行利益衡量(九十一年度裁字第三十二號),以達到假處分的制度功能,而不是機械性地進行所謂附隨質體法的審查。


Effective remedy is not only a guiding principle for legislation; the content of the existing law must be interpreted in its spirit. Interlocutory order (IO) serves interim relief before the final disposal of a matter, fulfilling the functions of safeguarding the rights, distributing the risk of wrong decisions and interim satisfaction. Starting from these institutional arrangements, this essay analyses the decisions of the Highest Administrative Court concerning IO. The court should explain the route to claim one's right, if the applicant is not clear of them. First, a precautionary IO should be awarded to the grieved, complaining of his classification as bad bidder in matters of public procurement. Secondly, the court should employ its enlightening right before dismissing an application, if the grieved confuses the prerequisites of IO and suspension of an administrative act. Thirdly, the needs of legal protection have to be satisfied before an IO is passed. A precautionary IO is in Principle prohibited, but may be passed in exceptional cases, when required through effective remedy. Weather the application can be justified depends on the court's summary judgment of the applicant's claim and reasons in relation to IO. The court will issue IO only in matters of continuous legal relationships, in order to avoid forestalling the decisions on the main issue. For the same reason, an application will be dismissed when the administrative has discretion. In contrast, this essays believes, that there exist exceptions to the prohibition of winning the case without its disposal. Most important of all, the court should weigh up the conflicting interest behind the abstract legal concepts, rather than mechanically interpret them.


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