  • 期刊


American Conflicts Law in the 20(superscript th) Century: Review and Perspective


二十世紀美國國際私法選法理論的發展,依序可分爲三個時期,其一,傳統既得權理論時期;其二,衝突法革命時期;其三,後革命時期。形式主義轉趨唯實主義的法律思想變遷,使得傳統多邊主義、雙面法則架構下的選法規則受到極大的衝擊,繼之興起者,乃單面主義以及強調實體價值的選法方法論;因此,當代美國法界的國際私法選法理論,大致可歸納爲三大類別,即:單面主義理論、多邊主義理論及實體法理論。 本文以歷史的演進時序爲經,以學理基礎的更迭與判例法則的變革爲緯,說明美國選法理論的變遷過程。除前言外,第二部分介紹既得權時期傳統選法理論;第三部分引介美國衝突法革命及選法理論變革的背景因素;第四部分析述衝突法革命後美國選法理論的特色以及後革命時期選法理論的混亂局面與併合趨勢:第五部分闡釋現階段美國選法理論的挑戰;結論部分,嘗試爲美國現階段選法理論的亂象做一註解,並強調重視實體法價值乃達成選法理論穩定一致、妥當正義兩大目標所不可或缺。


American choice of law methodologies fall into three categories: (1) the multilateralist approach, (2) the unilateralist approach, and (3) the substantive approach. The traditional multilateralist approach, based on the d rights theory, emphasizing the importance of Territorialism, was the dominant theory before the so-called American Conflicts Revolution. Countless modem flexible approaches which contributed the said Revolution, and appeared mainly for the purpose of individual justice since 1950s, are either unilateralist approaches or substantive approaches. Modem approaches, generally speaking, do solve the question of injustice, however, certainty as well as predictability that traditional approach said to be contained are more often than not sacrificed simultaneously. As long as the substantive law approach has been pervading not only the United States but also the other side of the Atlantic, the author of this article is of the opinion that it has become impossible to comprehend current conflicts law without examining the substantive tenor, policy and value of each law-fact pattern during the choice of law process. An overview of this article will be illustrated in Part I. The traditional multilateralism will be expounded in Part II from both the theoretical and practical point of view Part Ill is an introduction of the American Conflicts Revolution, where the author reviews several influential modern methodologies and leading courts cases The phenomenon of hybrid approaches and chaos of conflicts decisions which most commentators criticized after the above-mentioned Revolution will be introduced in Part IV Part V is a detailed discussion of the difficulties American conflicts law scholars faced at the end of the 20(superscript th) century Finally, a brief review of this article and the conclusion as well as suggestion will appear in Part VI.


A. L. I.(1934).(Restatement of the Law of Conflict of Laws).
A. L. I.(1971).(Restatement (Second) of the Law of Conflict of Laws).
A.L.I(1994).(Complex Litigation Project - Proposed Final Draft (April 5, 1993), 54 La. L. Rev. 881).


利唯綸(2015)。涉外契約準據法之研究 - 兼論台灣涉外民事法律之修訂〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0047255
