  • 期刊


An Observation on the Development and Potential Impacts of the International Health Regulations 2005


繼2003年的SARS災情之後,跨國傳染病的防制已經成為國際間的重要議題之一,這可以反映在國際間對於禽流感威脅憂慮與驚恐之上。國際衛生條例(IHR2005)是WHO會員國在體認了傳染病的無疆界性與嚴重性之後,為建構符合時代意義全球防疫體系,所制訂的國際協定,其主要目的為針對公共衛生危害、同時又避免對國際交通和貿易造成不必要干擾的適當方式預防、抵禦和控制疾病的國際傳播,並提供公共衛生應對措施,以期對於國際交通等個別利益干擾最小的情況下,達到確保預防、抵禦與控制疾病的國際傳播的最大集體利益。 本文分為三部分進行討論IHR2005的主要規範與潛在爭議。第一部分從歷史脈絡,說明IHR2005在全球或趨勢下發展的過程;第二部份的重點為分析IHR2005的制度設計,並就規範範圍、權利義務、公共衛生措施、爭端解決等議題切入探討;第三部分則IHR2005的潛在制度缺失中,以和台灣關聯性較為密切的IHR2005防疫漏洞、較具制度爭議性的額外措施,以及締約國對其境內爆發的傳染病的病毒主權對IHR2005建立全球防疫體系的意義等敏感性議題,分別進行論述。


The International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR 2005) is the only legal treaty that under the World Health Organization that aims to deal with and control the international spread of infectious diseases. To ensure the implementation of the IHR 2005 can maximize the protection of people against the international spread of diseases and minimize interference with world travel and trade, under the IHR2005, State Parties have obligations to build national capacity for routine preventive measures as well as to detect and respond to public health emergencies of international concern. To review the development of IHR 2005 and address some of the potential impacts of this international treaty, this paper is divided into three parts. The first part provides the backgrounds of recent emerged international spreads of infectious diseases, such as AIDS, SARS and birds flu to indicate the need of a new IHR. The rules and mechanisms applied in the IHR 2005 are focused in the second part. Finally, the author selects three potential defeats or impacts of the IHR 2005, such as the loophole of the IHR 2005 in terms of membership/universal application and sovereignty over the virus at issue, as well as the conflicts that may brought by the rules concerning additional health measures.


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