  • 期刊


Reconstruction of the Meaning of Legally Reserved Portion: A Historical Analysis


長期以來,學界與實務界對於繼承法中特留分同時存有反對和贊成的兩方意見,而未有定論。本文認為,在討論特留分制度之存續,具體決定將其限縮抑或強化之前,必須先探究此一制度對於台灣社會的意義為何。 有論者指出特留分制度受到日本明治民法的影響,而有「家制維持」之功能。然而本文研究明治民法的繼承制度後發現,特留分的意義在單獨繼承(家督繼承)時目的在於家制維持,遺產繼承(共同、平均繼承)時則是關注近親的扶養,兩者意義大不相同。但我國向來採取平均繼承,因此日本學說所稱之「家制維持」亦即家產-體性的保存,並無法適用於採用平均繼承制度的我國。 本文分析民法成立後的司法解釋、民法修正時的討論以及法院關於遺贈及特留分扣減的判決,發現遺贈內容多優惠部分男性共同繼承人,特留分修正了此類偏頗的處分,防止被繼承人恣意和濫權,在結果上保障了男女(繼承人的)間的平等,因此本文認為我國特留分主要意義為「繼承人間的平等維持」。


There are pros and cons toward legally reserved portion in legal studies. This article contends that before we decide to enhance or limit legally reserved portion, it is necessary to understand precisely its meaning and function in our society. Some research points out that one meaning of legally reserved portion is the preservation of ”jia” because of the influence of Meiji Civil Code. However, through the study of succession in Meiji Civil Code, we could find that legally reserved portion in katoku succession (one-child succession) is a device to keep ”jia” (”ie” in Japanese) in a complete form, while as in estate succession (joint and equal succession) legally reserved portion is a support for close relatives. That is, the meaning of legally reserved portion in one-child succession is different from that in joint and equal succession. In fact, the one-child succession does not exist either in traditional Chinese law or current Taiwanese law, in which joint and equal succession happens after death. Therefore, preservation of ”jia”, that is, to keep the family’s property in a whole unit, may not be the meaning of legally reserved portion in Taiwan. By analyzing judicial interpretations, the discussion on the revision of Civil Code, and cases regarding testamentary gifts and legally reserved portion, it is found that most testamentary beneficiaries are male joint heirs. Legally reserved portion modifies this kind of unfair gifts and protects heirs from reckless and biased decision of the decedents. This function to protect equality among joint heirs in result guarantees equality among male and female heirs. Therefore, this article argues that the meaning of legally reserved portion should lie on the protection of equality among heirs in Taiwan.


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