  • 期刊


On Taiwan's East China Sea Policy: A Legal and Policy Reappraisal


東海油氣及漁業資源極豐,以致中國與日本無法就該區劃界爭端達成共識。雖兩國於2008 年達成妥協試行共同開發,然對立情勢根深蒂固,短期內仍難徹底解決。臺灣在東海同樣有著諸多利益,亦受波及,故對此問題誠有予以釐清與分析之需要。本文將介紹日本、中國及臺灣對東海大陸架劃界原則之立場,並探討東海議題之重要爭執,亦即釣魚台列嶼相關爭端,包括:主權歸屬、可主張權益範圍,及劃界時之效力多寡。文末從臺灣思維,主張應揚棄「自然延伸原則」,改採「等距中線原則」或「等中線原則」;強調釣魚台列嶼為臺灣附屬島嶼,架構新法律基礎;主張釣魚台列嶼在劃界之效力予以減縮,或不具任何效力,始較能符合本身利益。


The East Sea is abounded with oil and fishery resources, so that China and Japan can not reach agreement concerning delimitation in that area. Although joint exploitation arrangement has been reached in 2008, the rivalship between China and Japan is so deeply-rooted and it is highly unlikely to have a permanent solution in near future. On the other hand, Taiwan also has plenty of interests in East China Sea and is involved in this dispute as well, so it is necessary to analysis the issue. In this article, the position of Japan, China and Taiwan toward the delimitation of continental shelf in East China Sea will first be examined. Also one of the key issues in this dispute - Diaoyutai, will be analyzed, including its sovereignty, the maritime rights of that islet, and its effect in maritime delimitation. For the ultimate interests of Taiwan, it is suggested at the end of this article that, first, the principle of natural prolongation shall be discarded, and make the claim based on the principle of equidistance or median lines; second, to emphasize that Diaoyutai is the subsidiary islands of Taiwan, rather than China; third, to claim that the effect of Diaoyutai in delimitation of East China Sea shall be decreased, or null.


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