  • 期刊


The Legal Remedies for Defects of Works from the Perspective of Legal Reception


羅馬法承攬瑕疵擔保與買賣物之瑕疵擔保有截然不同的發展軌跡,承攬人負有依約完成無瑕疵工作的義務,乃自羅馬法以來歐陸法系的共同核心(common core),承攬瑕疵之救濟均以此為前提而建構。臺灣民法承攬瑕疵救濟之規定,繼受1900年德國民法者固多,但如完成無瑕疵工作義務、受領工作物之義務等重要規定,並未照單全收,第497條瑕疵預防請求權為瑞士債務法第366條2項之繼受,第494條但書對契約解除之限制,則仿自日本民法第635條。瑕疵發見期間及消滅時效期間之區別,則為相當特殊的立法例。


The development of the law of remedies for defects of works does not follow the same path as the remedies for defects of the sale of goods. Since Classical Roman law, it is well known that the contractor has the obligation to finish the work without defects. The law of contract of works in Taiwan on the one hand adopted the principles of German BGB with some important modifications, on the other hand, also borrowed from Swiss Law of Obligation and Japanese Civil Law. The provisions about the time bar for the notification of defects and the remedies seem to be unique and distinguished clear and cut from the legal systems under observations.


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