  • 期刊


The Study and Analyses of Argumentation about "Lao-Tzu Era" during the Early Republican Period (1919-1936)


老子年代問題在民初的論戰,起因於1919年出版的胡適《中國哲學史大綱》採用舊說,將老子置於孔子之前,進而引發學者質疑,其間自有疑古思潮的背景。只是長達16年的論辯,超過40萬言的考據文字,所觸及的領域已不僅是老子其人其書的真偽,更在於民初社會對儒學傳統的反思、諸子學的興起,乃至晚清以來辨偽學的發展,所以筆者對此議題的關注,更大的意義是在近代學術思想史的釐清,而非上古哲學的考辨。 本文期能藉資料的整合,以見出這段歷史的完整面貌。首先從「辯論的過程」、「問題的癥結」、「意義的界定」三方面廓清事件始末與問題意涵,以免落入枝節的糾纏,造成論述上的迷思。二、是將有關文獻與「整理國故」運動相參照,以呈現其中的考據工作,在考證方法和考證目的兩項學術議題上的研究成果,進而釐清新文化運動者在企圖爲「國故」賦予近代意義時,其思考的局限何在?三、是從古史重建與材料意義上,思考論戰的結果對近代學術思想進程的影響,特別是新文化運動學者的歧路和近代疑古思潮的轉變。


老子年代 古史辨 考據學 胡適


During the period of early republican society, the outbreak of public polemic against Lao-Tzu era was triggered by Hu-Shih's work published in 1919 under the title ”An Outline of History of Chinese Philosophy”, which adopted an old theory that positioned Lao-Tzu higher than Confucius. This adoption aroused scholars' doubts and questions about backgrounds of the ancient ideological trend. The polemic had lasted for sixteen years and generated more than four hundred thousand textual criticisms which covered not merely true and false about Lao-Tzu's manuscripts and as an individual, but also discussed about reflections of conventional Confucianism by the early republican society, emergence of studies on Zhu-Zi, and even the development of studies of documents orthodoxy during late-Qing period. Hence, the subject matter of this study is putting focus on the perspectives of modern intellectual history; not on investigation and identification of antediluvian philosophy. The study will illustrate the complete history of this period by means of data integration. First of all, beginning with argumentation, problem finding, and defining values-these three procedures which are aimed to identify and understand the initiation and termination, as well as the meaning of that historical event in order to avoid entwinement with minor issues that might cause perplexity of the discourse. Secondly, displaying one of the textual criticism works through mutual references to related literature and rejuvenation of ancient learning movement; of which the results from the following two academic issues, goal and method of textual criticism research, would proceed to the identification and understanding of new culture movement scholars' essays on conferring ”ancient learning” with modern values; then, in this circumstance, where does the cognitive border lie? Thirdly, according to the values of ancient historical reconstructions and materials, results of these debates also deeply influenced the cogitation process in the modern intellectual thoughts, particularly towards divergences among new culture movement scholars and revolution of modern doubters on antiquity.


Lao-Tzu Doubts on Antiquity textology Hu-Shih


