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In Southern College Student Baseball and Softball Supplies Consumer Demand Survey Analysis


本研究目的皆在暸解南部地區大專學生棒壘球相關用品消費需求,做為為後參的研擬長期行銷目標及有效營運銷售策略參考。以南部地區大專學生為研究對象,以問卷調查方式進行資料之蒐集。調查期間共發放問卷1000份,回收850份,其中有效問卷795份,有效率達80% 。回收之有效樣本以描述性統計、t檢定、變異數分析等方法進行分析。研究結果發現:一、大部分學生願意到棒壘球專賣店購買相關商品,也願意把好的棒壘球專賣店推薦給同學親友;而消費動機前三名為商品較有保障、同學推薦、親友推薦;浪費商品項目前三名為手套、慢跑鞋、球鞋;消費商品品牌前三名為NIKE、Mizuno、adidas。二、不同背景變項學生消費動機的差異,在性別、年齡、休閒娛樂方式、個人賃居等達顯著差異,在學制、支配金頭等未達顯著差異。


學生 棒壘球 消費需求


The purpose of this study was to understand the southern region college student baseball and softball supplies consumer demand, as thereafter participate in the discretion of Yanni long-term marketing objectives and effective operation of sales strategy reference. Tertiary students in the southern region for the study, collecting information by questionnaire. During the investigation were issued 1,000 copies of the questionnaire, 850 returned, of which 795 copies of valid questionnaires, the effective rate of 80%. The valid samples analyzed by descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA and other methods of analysis. Findings: a majority of students are willing to baseball and softball store to buy related products, and are willing to put to the students friends and relatives; good baseball and softball store and the top three consumer motivation more secure as a commodity, the students recommended, relatives and friends recommended; the top three consumer commodity items as gloves, running shoes and sports shoes; the top three consumer goods brands NIKE, Mizuno, adidas. Second, different backgrounds, differences of students' 112 consumption motives, there are significant differences in gender, age, leisure and entertainment, personal leasing, ranking, etc., in the school system, the disposable amount of money is not significant difference.


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