  • 期刊


Hé Xun and His Etiquette System


魏晉南北朝(公元220~589)是中國長期分裂的時代,政治鬥爭、軍事對抗、玄理清談,對民生、禮儀都產生相當的影響。學者對禮文變化與禮意的闡述投入了極高的關注,所以這時期的禮學著述豐富,對禮意和禮文的議論皆卓著。其中賀循(260~319)便是當中的傑出者。 賀循除了回應朝廷禮儀的疑滯外,著述以《喪服要記》、《喪服譜》、《會稽記》爲著。書雖亡佚,房玄齡《晉書》、杜佑《通典》、李昉《太平御覽》間或引用,仍可窺知大要。 賀循禮學所論之要項,有:公子二宗說,事宗之禮,居重喪時遭輕喪之處置,在生未親見祖父母如何追服?小功不追服與追服之辦法,父在應爲出母服喪,父沒後爲繼母改嫁者服喪,師弟子之服喪如朋友之禮,改葬時應服三月總服,遇喪事則停止其他祭祀,指明恰祭廟制與神位坐向。其他還有弔禮、奠位、墓中明器等項。 綜觀賀循禮意和禮文的說解,兼用先儒之長且自成一家,理論精審而被當代採用與後儒宗奉。六朝三百七十年中的禮學成就,以晉代中期最著,賀循又是此期佼佼者,所論喪葬事宜,深具慈世之人道主義,是值得研究的個案。


禮學 賀循 晉書 禮志 通典


Wei-Jin Dynasties was a period China fall into long separation. Its political rivallry, military opposition and Qing Tan, the idle talk, all these affected the people's livelihood and etiquette quite much. Scholars highly devoted themselves to explain the changes and the meaning of etiquette so that written works of etiquette during Wei-Jin Dynasties was in large quantity and, also scholars' debate on the details of etiquette was splendid. Among them, Hé Xun (260~3l9) was one of the leading scholars. Responding to the authorities' practical etiquette problems, Hé Xun also wrote books;《Essential Records of Mourning Dress》、《Album of Mourning Dress》、 《Kuai Ji Ji》 were the most famous ones Although his books were missing, by the quotations from him in Du You's 《Tong Dian》、 Fang Xuan-Ling's 《Jin Shu》、Li Fang's 《Tai Ping Yu Lan》, we can still trace back his main thoughts. Hé Xun's etiquette theories are as follows. Thesis on Offspring by Direct or Lateral Descents, Etiquette for Serving Clans, Measures of an Elaborate Funeral and a Simple Funeral Meet Together, and Mourning Dress for Grandparents. Mourning Etiquette of Five Months (Xiao Gong), Mourning Dress for Divorced Mother When Father Lives, Mourning Dress for Divorced Remarried Mother When Father died, Mourning Dress for Masters and Disciples should be as Mourning Dress for Friends. Three Months Si Fu, mourning for distant relatives, for Reburial. Stopping Sacrifices Services during Funerals, Methods for offering Sacrifices at Ancestor Temples and Shen Wei (spirit tablets) Directions. And all other Etiquette for Guests at Funeral Ceremony, Libation Directions, and Ming Qi in Graves. To sum up Hé Xun's etiquette system, he concluded the essences of former scholars and developed his own school of thought. His exact and fundamental theories were adopted in his times and were taken for the followers' model. The achievement of etiquette during the three hundred and seventy years of Liu Chao, the Six Dynasties, the middle of Jin Dynasty was the most brilliant period, and Hé Xun was the outstanding scholar in this period. His theories of funerals and burials were compassionate and merciful humanitarianism which worth careful study.


etiquette/li Hé Xun Jin Sh Li Zhi Tong Dian


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