  • 期刊


South Head or West Head? Investment Options-Case of Taiwanese Enterprise in Vietnam


近機十年來,中國經濟崛起,廣大的市場,低廉的勞工,使得各國紛紛前進投資;台商更是趁著地利之便,成爲前進中國的一大族群。中國的一舉一動,牽動著每個人的神經。惟這些誘因正逐漸流失;中國政策的反覆、政治立場的歧異、能源供應的不穩定,以及鐵腕宏觀調控,在在都使前進中國的吸引力漸失。 過去台灣政府推動「南進政策」,但成效不彰。近來大陸經濟環境風險升高,台商思考發展第二生產基地的可能性,南向因而重被提起,而在東南亞國家當中,最具投資潛力、政經環境最爲穩定的越南,自然就被注意評估。越南1975年南北統一後,致力經濟改革,並於1986年後逐步進行「新經濟政策」,經過十多年的摸索和實踐後,在經濟上有了重大進展。 本文即針對越南投資環境及台商在投資現況與投資利基作初步探討,另方面就南向越南與西進中國投資的優劣條件作分析,期能探討出西向中國投資之外的越南投資價值,以作爲台商南向或西進投資評估的參考。


In these recent ten years, Chinese economy gels flickering. Due to its massive market and low labor coat, it makes the world gradually flock into investment. Taiwanese enterprise takes advantage of its geographic convenience, being a comparatively big group on the trend. Chinese impact involves everyone’s nerves. However, all these lucrative elements are dimming little by little. These consist of its controversial status, instability of energy supply and ironhanded macroeconomic adjustment. It sums up the loss of investment attraction in China. In pmt, Taiwanese government pushed forward ”south head ”policy, however, it did not make a good effect, In recent, at high risk of economic environment in China, Taiwanese enterprise has thought it over to develop the secondary manufacturing base possibility Therefore the south head policy is back for consideration. Within southeastern countries, the most potential of investment and best politic-economic environment, Vietnam, is actually to be attentive. Vietnam, after its unification as 1975, has matte effort to economic reform. Furthermore, since 1986 down, the new economic policy is underway. After ten-year of trial and practice, its economic hiss made a huge forward step. The text aims at initial insight on the investment environment in Vietnam and the current status of Taiwanese enterprise there. In the other way, the text minces comparison on the advantages and disadvantages between south head for Vietnam and west head for China. It can be expected that it offers for Taiwanese enterprise for evaluation reference upon their south bend for Vietnam, beyond west head for China


