  • 期刊


From Tea Poetry of the Tang Dynasty to the Art of Tea Drinking, Tea Culture and Artistic Expression of the Literati during the Mid and Later Period of the Tang Dynasty


中國是詩歌的國度,又是茶樹的原產地,最先開始飲用茗茶的國家,因此茶和詩很鞭發生聯繫,茶詩可說是茶與詩歌聯姻的結晶。而中唐後茶風興盛,可以說已至全民皆飲的地步,這種文化現象又爲詩人撰供了最佳的創作題材,尤其唐代文學之冠冕厥爲詩歌,這使得唐代有著平少六百多首茶詩的豐碩成果,舉凡文人雅士、皇室貴族、僧人羽客或布衣處士,無不有茶詩之作,而所反映之茶文化層面可謂相當廣泛的。本文研究唐代涉及茶事描寫的詩歌,發現其內容以描寫中晚唐文人的飲茶生活爲多,透過茶詩,我們可以看到中唐以後文人的生活和飲茶已經有著密不可分的關係了:他們飲茶讀書、因茶興而賦詩吟詩、啜茶清談、烹茶待客、行旅攜茶、以茶爲人送別,茶是部麼隨意自然地與其日常行事融爲一體。對中唐以後的文人而言,飲茶的意義更在於獲得平和閒適的靜趣,所以文人藉飲茶以品味閒適輕鬆的人生,這顯示出中唐以後文人的生命情調已趨向於輕逸而不再厚重,其生活型態以追求閒趣和愜意爲主。 至於唐代茶詩之主體藝術表現,大抵在詩歌情趣、詩歌語言與詩歌精神等方面,具體而微地反映了中唐之後詩歌取材生活化、直敘曉暢、理性內省的藝術表現取向,而其清幽閒適的詩歌意境是中唐以後文人選擇品味閒適人生於詩歌中的投射。由於其表現出色,後世詩人也喜愛借鏡之。它奠基於前代零星茶詩的基礎上,爲中國古典詩壇開闢了一新的詩歌題材,且又灌溉滋養了後代的詠茶詩,因此,從文學史的角度來看,唐代茶詩乃深具「承先啟後」之時代意義。


茶詩 唐代茶詩 文人飲茶


China is the nation prosperous with poetry, also is the origin of tea trees. It is the first nation developing the culture of tea drinking. Therefore, the close connection between tea and poetry was established long time ago and later generated Tea Poetry in Chinese literature. The tea culture was prosperous after the mid-Tang dynasty. Drinking tea became a routine of daily life for general public. This cultural phenomenon provided poets with plentiful resources to write tea poetry. Tang dynasty was a glorious stage in Chinese literature, with is the remarkable accomplishment in poetry. At least six hundred tea poems were written by scholars, royal celebrities, monk-missionaries or civilian during the Tang dynasty. Their poetry significantly influenced the tea culture by all level of social aspects. Our objective is to discuss tea poems written in the Tang dynasty. Through the description of tea phenomenon in the poem, we found that the life of scholars after the mid-Tang dynasty was closely related to tea drinking. They studied accompanying with tea. Due to the raising popularity of tea culture, they wrote poems and recited them for appreciation, hold a leisure talk along with tea drinking, made tea for guests, traveled bringing along with tea, and presented tea for farewell occasion. Tea was naturally associated with daily life. For scholars emerged after the mid-Tang dynasty, tea drinking was meaning to obtain the peaceful and leisure lifestyle. By tea drinking, scholars enjoyed the freedom and easy life. This revealed that scholars during that period were no longer achievement-oriented. They tended to pursue a leisure and liberal life pattern. As for the artistic implement of the tea poetry in the Tang dynasty, it is emphasized on sentimental, linguistic, and spiritual expression. It reflected that the poetry appeared after the mid-Tang dynasty was closely related to the contemporary society. Poets presented the art of poems by literal description, along with their rational and self-awareness. Furthermore, tea poetry generated the quiet and secluded atmosphere, which influenced scholars to follow the leisure and easy life. Due to its outstanding work, tea poetry was received much attention from later poets. Originally, it was established on the basis of few tea poems written from the previous dynasties and gradually developed to a new source of material in the classic Chinese poetry. Such social trend also encouraged later generation to write poems about ode to tea. From the perspective of literature history, the tea poetry in Tang dynasty served as a link between past and future with significance in the contemporary era.


