  • 期刊


A Pilot Study on the Courses of Health Administration in the Technical and Vocational Education


技職教育係整體教育之一環,隨著教育部落實證照制度並廣開技職教育體系的升學管道之後,技職教育體系發展日益蓬勃。而技職體系的目的在於培育理論與技能兼備的人才,其課程應兼顧知識之傳遞及技能的培養與訓練。 本研究的目的,在於研究設有醫務管理科系之大專技職院校課程是否會考慮到市場區隔而發展出各校不同的專業課程設計 (依其課程標準所開設各類課程百分比,作為該校發展方向之重視程度),本研究主要是利用網路收集各校的課程標準作為研究資料,將收集到的資料予以分類編碼及建檔後,以Excel軟體作敘述性統計分析。 就整體而言課程設計上,慈濟最重視基礎學科訓練,二技課程在醫療體系(機構外部)方面,弘光偏重於人的管理;大仁較重視物的管理、慈濟則偏重於資訊的管理、中華重視事的管理、元培則偏重財的管理;在機構內部方面,北護較重視事的管理及財的管理、弘光重視資訊管理、中華偏重物的管理、大仁則較重視人的管理。四技課程在醫療體系方面中華重視人的管理、慈濟及弘光則重視事的管理、嘉藥重視物的管理、元培則偏重財的管理、弘光重視資訊的管理;在機構內部方面,中台較重視人的管理、中華則較偏重財的管理、慈濟則重視資訊管理、中華、弘光及中台偏重在物的管理、嘉藥則較重視事的管理。


技職教育 醫管課程


The purpose of technical training programs in junior colleges and institutes of technology is cultivate professional technicians and managers as to meet industrial and occupational requirement Whether the courses of healthcare administration related professional training in schools could satisfy the occupational request of markets is the aim of the research. In general, Tzu chi college of technology is focused on the fundmental courses. The 2-year program of the curriculum in the interhospital fields, Tajen institute of technology is focused on the material management, Tzu chi college of technology is centered on the information management, Chung-Hwa college of medical technology is focused on the affair management, Hung Kwang institute of technology is centered on the human resource management and Yuanpei institute of science and technology is centered on the finance management. The 2-year program of the curriculum in the intrahospital fields, National Taipei college of nursing is centered on the finance management and the affair management, Hung Kwang institute of technology is focused on the information management, Chung-Hwa college of medical technology is centered on the material management and Tajen institute of technology is focused on the human resource management. The 4-year program of the curriculum in the interhospital fields, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science is focused on the material management, Chung-Hwa college of medical technology is focused on the human resource management, Hung Kwang institute of technology is centered on the information management, both Hung Kwang institute of technology and Tzu chi college of technology are centered on the affair management and Yuanpei institute of science and technology is centered on the finance management. The 4-year program of the curriculum in the intrahospital fields, Chung tai institute of health sciences and technology is focused on the human resource management and material management, Chung-Hwa college of medical technology is centered on the finance management and material management, Hung Kwang institute of technology is focused on the material management, and Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science is focused on the affair management


Colonel R.,Hudak.(1993).“Health care administration in the year 2000-Practitioners' views of future issues and job requirements”.Hospital & Health Services Administration.38(2),187-191.
