  • 期刊


From Tourists' Viewpoints to Explore the Relationship between Leisure and Ma Tzu Round-tour Culture


內政部統計處(2003)指出,台灣媽祖廟約有一千三百餘間,媽祖信仰對台灣人心靈休閒文化之深入,不可言喻。而,大甲鎮瀾宮媽祖遶境活動,爲全國歷史最久、參與人數最多、日期最長、慶典最盛大的宗教性活動。就研究者眼光,除了宗教熱誠,隨行帶來的經濟利益、社會影響、環境交互參雜因素,都是亟欲瞭解之課題。本研究探討休閒觀光與宗教文化之相關課題,而研究目的爲: 一、探討遶境遊客參與活動時,所表現之休閒行爲,做後來舉辦類似活動之參考。 二、探討遶境遊客個人之宗教與休閒文化觀點。此研究採用問卷調查,及訪談爲研究方法。於研究發現,在遊客的參與動機上,「祈求庇佑」爲遊客參與此遶境活動的最大動機,在遊客的參與動機上前五名皆爲尋求心靈平靜、求平安,媽祖信仰在百姓的心靈世界與日常生活結合,追求「平安」、「平靜」是信徒們最大的願望。


According to the Directorate General of Budget Accounting and Statistics of Executive Yuan of R.O.C (2003) indicated there were one thousand and three hundred Ma Tzu temples in Taiwan. The beliefs of Ma Tzu were deeply influenced people in Taiwan on recreation and spirit dimensions. In Taiwan, the most representative event of leisure and spirit was the round tour of Da Jaw Ma Tzu of Jen Lan Temple. This round tour event had the longest history, participated most people, and lasted longest activities. It was a biggest religion event. Not only had those above, but also Medias and local government promoted lots of people participated in these events. This study explores the related courses about leisure sightseeing, and religion culture. The purposes of this study are: 1.To explore the leisure behavior of religion tourists whe participated, and for further activity referenced. 2.To explre the personnal philosophy of round-tour tourists in religion and leisure. The methodology of this study uses the survey questionnaires. In this research, ”the hope blesses” were foundered as the major motivation to participated in this round-tour. ”Seek ones' mind tranquilly, and striving for safely” were the most important tourists' participation motivation. In common people's mind, Ma Zu belief could provide ”safety” and ”transquility” which were the biggest hope for the beliefers.


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