  • 期刊


To Analyze the Cognitive Conflict in Public Policy Decisions - Illustrated by the Construction of Cable Car in Kaohsiung


在政府為創造地方特色及城市意象,並開闢觀光資源以強化經濟發展的前提下,各地方政府紛紛利用本身特色開發獨特的觀光景點,經過這幾年的發展,各地也發展許多具有獨特性的觀光資源,對於地方財政及形象挹注許多。因此,高空纜車便是在這種以發展觀光為主要目的所產生的政策。高雄市政府是否建設跨港高空纜車,其本質上乃一兼顧「促進觀光及經濟發展」與「降低生態、文化及環境影響」之多目標決策問題。本研究以社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)為理論基礎,應用社會判斷理論,以高雄市興建跨港高空纜車為例,針對以訪談調查所獲得之關鍵決策變數予以實施SJT問卷,明確檢視各決策參與者間所反應之認知衝突程度,作為提出政府部門面對類似爭議公共事務時,擬定相關政策與應變之參考。研究結果顯示,在安全性方面,各決策群體的重視程度均高;在營運效益方面,環保團體、政府官員及民意代表的重視程度高於一般民眾;在環境保育方面,環保團體稍微高於其他團體。總體而言,安全性的變異係數最低,表示各決策群體對於安全性的歧見最低,而環境保育的變異係數最大,表示各決策群體對於環境保育的歧見較大。


Trigged with the democratic movements, Taiwan's society had evolved in the past 15 years that citizen had more opportunities to participate in public policy decisions. As different objects, values and ideologies existing between stakeholders, conflict of the cognitive nature besides interests (i.e. difference in goals) becomes popular in many local development issues. How to analyze and aid such decision-makings then becomes an important public affairs management topic of study.The study uses the cable car issue in Kaohsiung as the task and local stakeholders like citizens, government officers, councils and environment protect group are interviewed and surveyed using the Social Judgment Theory (SJT) as the guiding methodology. Social judgment theory mainly plumbs the issue of ”understanding” which generated from the discrepancy between decision maker's subjective cognition and objective environment, and the issue of ”conflict” which resulted from the discrepancy of every decision maker's subjective cognition, as well as seeks for what causes the cognitive conflict in public policy decisions and explores the method to reduce the cognitive conflict. To survey the conflicts' degree in every decision maker and provide suggestions to government for consultation to draw up relative policies while facing similar controversial issue is what the study for.


Arkes, H. R.,Hammond, K. R.,Connolly, Terry(1986).Judgment and Decision Making: An Interdisciplinary reader.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.


