本研究旨在調查臺灣地區現職國中健康與體育領域教師實施自尊和身體意象融入教學的意圖,並探討其與教學信念、態度、效能的關係。母群體為九十五學年度服務於公立國中的3,808名健康與體育領域合格教師。採分層比率隨機取樣法,以縣市為分層,選取864名教師為樣本。以結構式問卷為工具,進行郵寄調查,得有效問卷620份(71.8%)。以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關和多元線性迴歸法等方法進行統計分析。研究主要發現如下: 1.研究對象對自尊與身體意象融入教學抱持正向信念和態度,但教學效能不及一半。 2.研究對象實施自尊與身體意象融入教學的意圖高於中間值。未婚高於已婚教師;任教健康教育的教師高於任教體育的教師;過去一年曾參加健康心理研習者高於未曾參加者;知覺學生需要程度越高、接觸心理困擾學生越多,教學意圖也越高。 3.教學信念、教學態度、教學效能和教學意圖呈正相關。 4.背景變項、教學信念、教學態度、教學效能可解釋教學意圖35%的變異量,而學生需求程度、接觸心理困擾學生情形、參加健康心理研習、教學信念、教學態度和教學效能為重要預測變項,並以教學態度的影響力最大。最後,建議教育單位舉辦研習或工作坊,以提升教師自尊與身體意象融入教學信念、效能、態度及教學意圖。
The purpose of this study was to assess intention to implement self-esteem and body image related curriculum of health and physical education teachers in junior high schools. By using a probability proportionate to size sampling method, 864 teachers were selected from 3,808 health and physical education teachers in Taiwan Area. Among the sample, 620 provided valid data (response rate 71.8%) with a mailed questionnaire. Data was analyzed with ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research were summarized as follows. 1. The belief and attitude toward teaching self-esteem and body image related curriculum of the subjects were positive. But the self-efficacy of teaching self-esteem and body image related curriculum was less than 50%. 2. The intention to teach self-esteem and body image related curriculum was above average. The intention of unmarried teachers was higher than that of the married teachers. The intention of health educators was higher than that of physical educator. The intention of those who attended mental health conference in the previous year was higher than those who didn't. The higher the perceived students' needs, the higher the intention of teachers. 3. Teaching belief, efficacy, and attitude toward teaching self-esteem and body image related curriculum were positively associated with intention to implementing the curriculum. 4. Background factors, teaching belief, teaching efficacy, and attitude toward teaching self-esteem and body image related curriculum could explain 35% variance of the intention. Moreover, attitude was the most important predictor. It is suggested that workshops for building self-esteem should provide to health and physical education teachers in order to promote teaching efficacy and intention.