  • 期刊




學術期刊(Journal)是學術研究的成果,亦是學術界研究人員進行研究的基礎。學術期刊以紙版發行來提供研究人員研讀爲主,國內雖有轉成電腦檔案者,只能從網路上擷取再列印爲紙版。另有提供線上查詢者,惟只提供標題及摘要。這些方式都無法達到在網路上期刊全文互動式閱讀、搜尋及複製之功能。由於學術期刊是學術研究的根本,有上網路以廣爲流傳之必要。本文則由利用全球資訊網(World Wide Web, WWW)標準、通信網路協定、台灣學術網路之高頻寬及個人電腦或工作站之優越的多媒體性能,將學術期刊以超文字(hypertext)及超媒體(hypermedia)的方式做文件分析與全文電子化。並以WWW爲基礎,設計台灣學術網路上超媒體電子學術期刊的系統架構。研究所得的具體成果有四點: 1.提出一個建構台灣學術網路超媒體電子期刊網的發展策略。 2.提出一個各校超媒體電子期刊伺服器的建構方法。 3.以台灣大學所發行的期刊爲對象,建構完成台灣大學超媒體電子期刊系統(Journal Server)雛型系統,並進行期刊資料上線測試。 4.邀集長庚醫學暨工程學院、台北商專等校進行超媒體電子期刊網各校電子期刊伺服器連線測試。 此一超媒體電子學術期刊技術,將使得學術期刊得以『原貌』在網路上流通,提供研究人員一個全新的研究服務-利用台灣學術網路查詢及研讀學術期刊。


Journals are not only the results of research, but also the essentials to researchers. Journals are traditionally paper-based for researchers to read. Some journals are transformed into computer files, but can only be fetched for printing. Some others support on-line query, but provide only titles and abstracts. The above journals do not have capabilities, such as, interactive reading, search and copy. Since journals are essentials to research, there is a need for circulation on the network. In this paper, we utilize the world-wide-web standards, communication protocols, the high-bandwidth of TANet and multimedia capabilities of computers; we analyze the documentation structures with hypertext and hypermedia technology; and finally proposed a framework of hypermedia journal on TANet. In this research project, we have the following contributions: 1. Proposed a strategy for the development of hypermedia journal network over TANet. 2. Proposed a construction method of hypermedia journal server for all institute joining the project. 3. With the journals published by the National Taiwan University as a starting point, developed a prototype of hypermedia journal server, and had a successful experiment test on TANet. 4. Had an implementation and test of hypermedia journal server network, with multiple institutes. Given the proposed technology, we had made possible that the circulation over network of journals and querying over TANet.
