  • 期刊


A Study on Miscellaneous Copies and Applications of "The Eulogy of Amitabha" in Dunhuang Manuscripts P.3216, P.2483 and others




This article explores the appearance and application of Dunhuang manuscripts P.3216, P.2483 and other volumes of "The Eulogy of Amitabha". This is the study of the specific "praise song group" of the Amitabha pure land. It combines many eulogy excerpts under the umbrella term "mitabha" including independent eulogy (praise song) n other transcripts, for example "The Eulogy of fifteen wishes for west pure land" in Dunhuang manuscripts P.2250. It also includes opening paragraphs introduced by formulaic phrases such as "Amitabha", "Western", "Pure land", "Three bad ways" and so on that may range from a few to several dozen sentences. Finally it may include paragraphs that are topic-specific, such as an eulogistic praise of the virtuous blessed by the dharma. A summary of the observations of these paragraphs reveals several problems. First of all, each of these were an independent eulogy (praise song), why were they brought under an umbrella term? Secondly, are the paragraph separations accepted by current scholars reasonable? Third, is the actual application echoinga certain arranged order? Is there a certain subtle convention that had been formed? This article will explore these issues and use them to examine the possible ways, roles, and implications of their application.


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