  • 期刊


Misunderstanding of the Dinggu Mountain in Kutcha




Studies on the Buddhism of Kutcha makes the Dinggu mountain where the Kumtula Grottoes is located a keyword in contemporary researches. After going through the modern materials about the Western Regions, the article points out Hening, an official served in the Western Regions of the Qing Dynasty, was the one worthy of more attention. It's Hening who mistook Liuzhong of the Turfan Basin a place of Kutcha when compiling Huijiang Tongzhi (lit. Chorography of Xinjiang), and then mistook the Dinggu mountain of Luchen in Xichui Jilue (lit. Brief History of the Western Border Area) dated the early Qing Dynasty as the mountain Qol-Tag near the Kumtula Grottoes. Such misunderstanding was persisted by Qi Yunshi and Xu Song, and the authority of Xu's famous work Xiyu Shuidao Ji (lit. River Systems of the Western Regions) makes people believe easily the Dinggu mountain was in Kutcha. To sum up, as a Chinese placename, the Dinggu mountain is actually a previous name of Toyoq in the Turfan Basin.


明.李賢、彭時等纂修 《大明一統志》,天順五年(1461)刻本。
清.王廷襄 《葉柝紀程》,吳豐培編《絲綢之路資料匯鈔(清代部分)》,北京:全國圖書館文獻縮微複製中心,1996 年。
清.王樹枏等纂修,朱玉麒等整理 《新疆圖志(附索引)》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2017 年。
清.和寧 《三州輯略》,北京:線裝書局,2006 年冊影印嘉慶十年(1805)序刻本。
清.和寧 《回疆通志》,臺北:文海出版社,1966 年影印民國十四年(1925)沈瑞麟校印本。

