  • 期刊


A Study on Miscellaneous Copies and Applications of "The Eulogy of Bodhisattva Commandments" in Dunhuang Manuscripts




The Eulogy of "Bodhisattva Commandments" is an activity document to accept the precepts in Dunhuang Manuscripts. It emphasizes the ten commandments in the form of words and songs to prohibit killing, stealing, fornication, deception, drinking, boasting, verbal abuse, stingy, resentment, and slander. So far, 48 Dunhuang manuscripts have been found to contain this document. This quantity and numerous ways of copying show its popular quality, and it can be speculated that it is not only used in the activities of accepting the precepts, but may also be used in daily reciting. Therefore, it is an important task to explore the transcript appearance and applications of "The Eulogy of Bodhisattva Commandments". And this article will first discuss its structure, and through the way of narrating the evidence piece by piece, explore the situation where it was copied alone, with other documents, or even collected in clusters. This article is expected to show its practical significance and value.


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