  • 期刊


A Study on the Calendars Written on Bamboo and Wooden Slips for Choosing Auspicious Days-the Origin of "Calendar with Notes"




簡牘 曆日 日書 具注曆日


Our ancestors used to write "calendars" and "books for choosing auspicious days" separately on bamboo and wooden slips. How does a simple form of calendar work together with a book with information about choosing auspicious days in the ancient time? Following the invention of paper which replaced the function of bamboo and wooden slips, a simple form of "calendar" has developed into a more sophisticated "calendar with information about auspicious days (i.e., a calendar with notes)". How does one differentiate a simple form of "calendar" from "a calendar with notes"? This article will give you the answers with detailed explanations. The writer believes that one should not only look at the title of a so-called "calendar" to decide whether it's in fact a simple form of "calendar" or a "calendar with notes". It is necessary to look into the messages carried in the calendar to decide whether it is a simple calendar or a calendar with notes. By applying this standard, the writer will tell you the nature of some ancient books unearthed from Dunhuang and Turpan with a title of "calendar".


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李恩江、賈玉民主編 《說文解字譯述全本》,鄭州:中原農民出版社,2000 年。
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