  • 期刊

融通文理,一以貫之:二十世紀初期魏思納(Julius Wiesner)庫車、和闐出土古紙研究撮述

Pursuing the Spirit of the Artes Liberales: A Brief Review on J. Wiesner's Analysis of Old Paper Collected from Kucha and Khotan


本文旨在簡介魏思納(Julius Wiesner, 1838-1916,1898-1899年間任維也納大學校長)的古紙分析與理論思維,尤其側重其率先分析庫車、和闐、敦煌等地出土古紙之功績,以及與霍恩雷(A. F. R. Hoernle)、斯坦因(M. A. Stein)等眾多專家的跨領域合作。根據本文整理,其鑑定對象包括丹丹烏里克出土的Or. 6405《唐大曆三年(768)毗沙都督府六城質邏成銑牒》文書,帶有薩波斯略姊妹寫經題記的Or. 6402B/1.3于闐語《藥師琉璃光王經》殘紙以及著名的Or.8212/166中古波斯—猶太信劄等諸多文物。此外,在柏林-勃蘭登堡科學院與柏林亞洲藝術博物館雙方勉勵與合作之下,本文附錄德國吐魯番探險隊檔案中魏氏1905年鑑定二種吐魯番出土回鶻時期古紙報告手稿,以俾讀者參考。綜觀魏氏研究,它始終貫徹德奧學界一絲不苟、實是求是的嚴謹學風,同時體現十九世紀晚期的博雅教育精神。其人不僅譽為植物生理學一代宗師,更是現代意義上擘畫出中國造紙史領域的第一人。


This paper gives a brief introduction to the contribution of Julius Wiesner (1838-1916, Rektor der Universität Wien in 1898-1899) to ancient paper analysis as well as his theoretical concerns. A special focus is placed on his pioneer achievements in examination of old paper fragments from Kucha, Khotan, Dunhuang, etc., with regard to his cross-disciplinary collaboration with A. F. R. Hoernle, M. A. Stein and many other outstanding scholars. According to my investigation, the items examined by him include many finds from Dandan-Uiliq such as Or. 6405 Tang Dali sannian (768) Pisha Dudufu Liucheng Zhiluo Cheng Xian die (in Chinese), Or. 6402B/1.3 Bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabharāja-sūtra (in Khotanese) in addition to the famous Judæo-Persian letter Or. 8212/166. As the Appendix, Wiesner's (1905) handwriting report of two fragments from Turfan (dated to the Old Uyghur period), now kept in the archive of German Turfan Expeditions, is edited and translated into Chinese. This appendix is a result of my collaboration with the academy project "Turfanforschung" of the Berlin- Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, being kindly supported by the Museum für Asiatische Kunst - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. In general, Wiesner's works always display the meticulous and positivist spirit of German-Austrian scholarship, while his excellent education in the Artes liberales in the late 19th century is self-evident. He is not only one of the great masters in plant physiology but also the founder of history of Chinese paper as a modern field.


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