  • 期刊


An Empirical Study of Critical Factors Affecting Brand Equity


在面對消費者追求差異化及客製化的環境下,品牌成為企業最具有競爭力的利器,越來越重視消費者品牌權益的服務業管理當中,可以發現早期學者多半將品牌權益直接和產品連結在一起,很少有學者注意到服務業的品牌權益,由許多研究中可知產品和服務間確實存有差距,尤其在使用者個人的知覺及其服務購買的關係(Good, 1990)。如何打造一個消費者認同的品牌、建立雙方正面、成功且值得信賴的品牌關係,就成為企業擬定品牌行銷策略的關鍵因素。Kotler(2000)指出「廣告訴求是明確地表達某種利益、激勵、認同,說明消費者購買該產品的理由;而促銷則在提供一個購買的誘因」。而價格促銷是促進銷售最有效且最迅速方式之一,因消費者都想以較低的成本換得更多消費滿足。屈臣氏耳熟能詳的「我敢發誓,屈臣氏最便宜」、「保證全國最低價,買貴包退二倍差價」,屈臣氏大張旗鼓的高分貝喊出其價格促銷活動以及強力放送的各式價格促銷廣告下,不斷地出現在廣告或其他傳播媒體上,一再地告知消費者其獨家超值的促銷商品,在市場上掀起陣陣降價效應之風波。因此本研究選擇使用藥妝店龍頭屈臣氏做為廣告及價格促銷來衡量品牌權益之探討。當有效的行銷溝通建立後,會把消費者轉化成為顧客,並且把顧客轉化成為品牌忠誠者,以及長久的購買者提升公司品牌組合的效果,因而正面影響品牌權益。所以本研究認為行銷溝通策略是企業整體品牌權益策略的關鍵要素。本研究以消費者的角度,利用結構方程模式(SEM)探討廣告、價格促銷、品牌權益之因果模式。顯示行銷溝通中廣告與價格促銷對品牌權益構面:知覺品質、品牌忠誠度、品牌知名度、品牌形象的影響。本研究採用便利抽樣方式,對消費者發放問卷並進行統計分析,研究結論如下:一、當企業從事產品品牌的廣告增加時,消費者對於品牌權益(知覺品質、品牌忠誠度、品牌知名度、品牌形象)將產生正面貢獻。二、當企業從事產品品牌的價格促銷增加時,消費者對於品牌權益(知覺品質、品牌忠誠度、品牌知名度、品牌形象)將產生負面貢獻。


Consumers in the face of the pursuit of differentiation and customization of the environment, the brand has become the most competitive weapon, more and more attention to consumer brand equity management services which can be found most of the early scholars to brand equity directly and products linked together, some scholars have noted that very little brand equity of the service sector, research by a number of products and services, we can see there are indeed gaps, particularly in the user's personal perception of the relationship between the purchase and their service(Good, 1990). How to build a consumer brand recognition, the establishment of both a positive, successful and trustworthy relationship with the brand has become a corporate marketing strategy to develop the critical factors.Watson's well-known ”I dare to swear, the Watson's cheapest” and ” Expensive refund twice the difference ”, the Watson's high-profile and high-decibel shouting their prices strong run promotional activities, as well as the promotional advertising of all kinds of prices, continue to appear in the advertisement or other communication media, time and again to inform consumers of their exclusive promotional value of goods, set off in the market price effect of the storm bursts. Therefore, the study cosmetic shops choose to use Watson as a leading advertising and price promotions to explore the measure of brand equity.When an effective marketing communication is established, consumers will be turned into consumer's brand loyalty, as well as purchasers of long-term portfolio to enhance the effectiveness of the company's brand, so a positive impact on brand equity. Therefore, this study was that the marketing strategy to communicate the overall brand equity is a key element of strategy. In this study, the consumer's point of view, the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore advertising, price promotions, the causal model of brand equity. Display advertising and marketing communication of promotional prices on brand equity dimensions of the impact. In this study, convenience sampling, a questionnaire issued to consumers and statistical analysis, research findings were as follows:When companies engage in brand advertising increases, consumers will have positive brand equity contribution; when companies engage in price promotions brand increases, consumers will have a negative brand equity contribution.


