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The Investigation about Du-Fu's Poems Involed Dreams


杜甫的一生,橫跨了盛唐中唐;杜甫的足跡,踏遍了大江南北。他曾爲盛唐國力強盛山河壯麗放歌歡唱,也曾爲所遭遇或其所見的種種不幸不平悲鳴痛哭,更曾爲即將預見的社會危機懷憂萬端。做爲中國古代偉大的現實主義詩人,照亮詩史的一代詩聖,他的詩足以直觀其心靈世界,他的詩以藝術的形式記錄了心路歷程的一切。 大凡文人遭遇現實的坎壈,爲了舒洩心中的不平,或有的採取逃避,遁跡禪門;有的好奇褊急,放浪形骸;而有的則是退隱山林,更甚者直接躲進遊仙鬼怪的世界來一場白日夢之旅。但對於出生於走向「邊緣的官宦世家」的杜甫來說,承受著痛苦與憂患;在努力實現社會回歸的過程中,雖然實際的地位已經式微,但是現實夢與理想的夢卻從未停止過。 本文茲就「如何以夢自我表述」、「夢詩所關注的焦點」、「夢詩的名詞詞組運用及其意境」等方面加以觀照杜甫的情緒心態、思想觀念,並一窺擅長寫實風格的他,與浪漫手法的李白夢有何不同。


杜甫 盛唐詩 主題詩 涉夢詩 夢的意境


Du Fu's life, stretched across in the glorious age of Tang poetry Tang; Du Fu's trail, trod the great river north and south. He once grandly sang in a loud voice for the glorious age of Tang poetry national strength owerful mountains and rivers sings joyfully, also once for encountered all sorts which or its sees not to be unfortunately uneven calls out in grief weeps bitterly, once for social crisis bosom sorrow which soon foresaw multifarious. As China ancient times the great realistic poet, illuminated the poetry of historical significance a generation of poem Saint, his poem direct-viewing its mind world, his poem has recorded mental journey all sufficiently by the artistic form. Generally the writer encounters the reality the ridge, is uneven for Shu Xiexin, or some adopt the escape, lives in seclusion the imperial sacrifices gate; Some curious narrow-minded and short-tempered, abandons oneself to Bohemianism; But some are retires the wooded mountain, the what is more hides in directly tours the immortal ghost the world to come travel of the daydream. But regarding was born in the trend ”the edge officials aristocratic family” Du Fu, was withstanding the pain and the misery; In realizes in diligently the process which the society returns, although the actual status already declined, but the realistic dream and the ideal dream actually never have stopped. This article this ”how ”the focal point which by the dream self-indication”, the dream poem pays attention”, ”the dream poem ideal condition” and so on aspects performs the contemplation Du Fu's mood point of view, the ideological concept, as soon as and peeps him who excels at the practical style, has differently what with the romantic technique's Li Bai dream.


