  • 期刊


The Popularization of Birth Planning in Rural China: The Case of Q Village, 1960s-1970s




This paper analyzes the popularization of family planning (birth control, jihua shengyu) in a Chinese village, here called ”Q village,” in Liaoning Province. In this village, contraception by IUDs was introduced and started to spread in the 1960s, while jueyu (sterilization) came to be universally recommended to woman of reproductive age in the 1970s, and the number of births indeed decreased. Family planning was based on the basic care provided by the village cooperative medical system and on the administrative system of the People's Commune. As well, Q Village received care from female ”barefoot doctors,” whom the villages trusted, while the women head of the production brigade enthusiastically supported family planning. Women's leadership ensured gender sensitive mobilization, ensuring clear results in the case of Q Village. At the same time, in rural China, the means of modern birth control was monopolistically provided by the administrative and medical system of People's Commune. This system actually made birth control technologies available for rural women who had not previously had access to them. Thus family planning-that is, state intervention in reproduction- became a part of the administrative and medical systems. Taking into account their poverty and family responsibilities, Q villagers tended to welcome birth control during the 1960s. Mobilization of family planning gradually became stricter in the 1970s and 1980s, and some women tried to resist it. With the ”one-child policy,” the government attempted to use persuasion, but this was on the basis of unequal power relationships within the villager and could become and be perceived as coercive. Village women were not simply passive clients but active agents accepting or resisting government policy, and they brought the rapid decline of fertility in the 1970s as a result.


小濱正子(2010)。計劃生育的開端─1950-1960 年代的上海。中央研究院近代史研究所集刊。68,97-142。
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