  • 期刊

Translating "Taijiao": Modern Metaphors and International Eclecticism in Song Jiazhao's Translation of Shimoda Jiro's Taikyo





胎教 優生學 西方科學 下田次郎 宋嘉釗


As Chinese nationalists grappled with the political and military weakness of the young Republic of China, some proposed a return to the ancient Chinese practice of fetal education as the key to strengthening the Chinese people and nation. This new discourse on fetal education entered the Chinese discussion amidst an influx of new ideas about science, the body, and the nation in the late Qing and early Republican periods. This paper analyzes the modern syncretic reformulation of fetal education, or taijiao, presented in Song Jiazhao's 1914 monograph Taijiao, itself a translation of Shimoda Jiro's 1913 work Taikyo. Song Jiazhao's Taijiao is representative of late nineteenth and early twentieth century Chinese medical discussions, both in the fact that it is translated from Japanese, a major source of modern gynecological knowledge in this period, and in its portrayal of Western science as compatible with pre-existing Chinese medical and philosophical traditions. The text selectively draws upon classical Chinese texts, Edo and Meiji era gynecological texts, and modern Western science as it re-examines fundamental questions about the origin of human goodness and evil, and the relationship between the fetus and the world outside of the womb. By centering his discussion on the Chinese tradition of fetal education, Song was able to introduce a variety of new European and Japanese cultural and scientific ideas about pregnancy without challenging the fundamental validity of Chinese medicine and culture. At the same time, however, by introducing new metaphors for pregnancy, a new ability to quantify and represent visually the process of human reproduction via the technologies of modern science, and by linking the female reproductive body to the health of the nation, Song helped to transform modern Chinese understandings of reproduction and the female body.


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